Cartographic and visual materials
Cartographic and visual materials
Map of Akmola region
Map of the Akmola region. Petrograd: The cartographic institution A. Yakovenko, [1914].
Омская ГОНБ
Photographic shots "Akmola region" in connection with the trip of PA Stolypin and A. V. Krivoshein in Siberia for the construction of resettlement centers
Stolypin, Pyotr Arkadevich (1862-1911). Photographs "Akmolinskaya oblast" in connection with the trip of PA Stolypin and A. V. Krivoshein to Siberia for the construction of resettlement points. 1910.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Petropavlovsk. - Petropavlofsk. № 24. Pushkinskaya Str.
Petropavlovsk. - Petropavlofsk. No. 24. Pushkinskaya ul.Moskva, 1903.
Сорокин, А. П., частное собрание