Memory of the Great Patriotic War
Memory of the Great Patriotic War
Blew up a railway bridge across the river.Volkhov in Kirishi (Leningrad region)
Onohin, Daniel F. (photographer; 1914-2003).Blew up a railway bridge across the river.Volkhov in Kirishi (Leningrad region).1942.
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Kirishi (Leningrad region).Clearance construction site
Kirishi (Leningrad region).Clearance construction site.[1960].
Из частного собрания
Kirishi (Leningrad region).Ammunition World War II, found on a construction site.[1]
Priotin, Vladimir (photographer; 1927-1997).Kirishi (Leningrad region).Ammunition World War II, found on a construction site.[1].1962.
Киришский историко-краеведческий музей
Kirishi (Leningrad region).Ammunition World War II, found on a construction site.[2]
Priotin, Vladimir (photographer; 1927-1997).Kirishi (Leningrad region).Ammunition World War II, found on a construction site.[2].[1962].
Киришский историко-краеведческий музей
Kirishi (Leningrad region).The memorial sign "Defenders of Kirishi land of 1941-1943.".Installation of the T-34
Kirishi (Leningrad region).The memorial sign "Defenders of Kirishi land of 1941-1943.".Installation T34 tank.1968.
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Kirishi (Leningrad region).Memorial "In Memory of the Fallen"
Kirishi (Leningrad region).Memorial "In memory of the fallen."[1970s].
Из частного собрания
Kirishi (Leningrad region)."Jubilee" store.[1] [Photo].- [1970s].- printing, black-and-white.-Access: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Title of the accompanying document.Photo provided by the Administration of Kirishi Municipal District of Leningrad Region.Electronic reproduction (1 file, JPEG: 0,4 MB).users copying is not allowed..I. Kirishi Municipal District (Leningrad region).Administratsiya.1.The area (collection).2. The territory of Russia: Leningrad region (collection).3. Kirishy Kirishsky area and Leningrad region (collection).4. Department Stores - Leningrad region - Photos.5. Kirishi city (Leningrad region) - History - Photos.6. Documentary photography.BBK 63.3 (2Ros-4Len) 634ya611LBC 65.422.211.1 (2Ros-4Len) ya611electronic copy Source: Administration of Kirishi Municipal District of Leningrad RegionThe storage location of the original: Kirishi Museum of Local History
Kirishi (Leningrad region).Lenin Saturday at the memorial "Memoriam" in the park of the Victory.1973.
Киришский историко-краеведческий музей