The role and place of a family in 1917–1991
The role and place of a family in 1917–1991
Evolution of the functions of the Russian peasant family in the Yenisei region in the 1920s
Anisimova, Larisa Yulevna
Evolution of the functions of the Russian peasant family in the Yenisei region in the 1920s.
Krasnoyarsk, 2004.
Krasnoyarsk, 2004.
Russian peasant woman in the family and social life of the 1920s. (based on materials from the south of Western Siberia)
Russian peasant woman in the family and social life of the 1920s. (based on materials from the south of Western Siberia). 2015.
The noble family in Soviet Russia and the USSR (1917 - late 1930's).
Efremov, Sergey Igorevich
The noble family in Soviet Russia and the USSR (1917 - late 1930's). Moscow, 2011.
Urban daily life in the early Soviet society in terms of housing and intra-family conflict (based on the materials of the control bodies of the Kuban and Black Sea regions of the 1920s)
Urban daily life in early Soviet society in the view of housing and intra-family conflict (based on the materials of the control bodies of the Kuban and Black Sea regions of the 1920s). 2016
The family phenomenon among the population of the mining zone in the context of provincial everyday life: the Katav and Minyar districts of the Chelyabinsk region in the second half of the 1920s-1950s
Chayko, Ekaterina Anatolievna (candidate of historical sciences). Family phenomenon in the population of the mining zone in the context of provincial everyday life: the Katav and Minyar districts of the Chelyabinsk region in the second half of the 1920s-1950s. Chelyabinsk, 2012.
Letter Ovchinnikov Evgeny Nikolaevich to parents.January 8, 1942
Letter Ovchinnikov Evgeny Nikolaevich to parents.January 8, 1942
From a private meeting