Coal Industry Management

Coal Industry Management

Correspondence with the Ministry of Trade and Industry and reports: on measures of development of productive forces of Russia;on the prospects of the Baku oil industry, state monopolization of Donetsk coal and a lack of mineral fuel;on goods exchange with foreign states, exporting goods abroad and the role of the Arkhangelsk port;about the insufficient maintenance of railways of the fish industry;About the sequestral of enterprises, military cargo tax, moratorium, unemployment in the Kingdom of Poland and another

Council of Congresses of Industry and Trade Representatives (1906-1918).Correspondence with the Ministry of Trade and Industry and reports: on measures of development of productive forces of Russia;on the prospects of the Baku oil industry, state monopolization of Donetsk coal and a lack of mineral fuel;on goods exchange with foreign states, exporting goods abroad and the role of the Arkhangelsk port;about the insufficient maintenance of railways of the fish industry;About the sequestral of enterprises, military cargo tax, moratorium, unemployment in the Kingdom of Poland and more.

Including the state monopolization of Donetsk coal and the lack of mineral fuel