Rulers of the Moscow State in the second half of the 15th - first half of the 16th century
Rulers of the Moscow State in the second half of the 15th - first half of the 16th century
[Pedigree sovereigns of great Moscow and specific princes
[Pedigree sovereigns of great Moscow and specific princes.B. M.: B. and., [19--].
РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена
The great and specific princes of Northern Rus' in the Tatar period, from 1238 to 1505 .. T. 1. Grand Dukes of Vladimir and Vladimir-Moskovskys
The great and specific princes of Northern Rus' in the Tatar period, from 1238 to 1505.T. 1: Grand Dukes Vladimir and Vladimir-Moskovskys.1889.
Great and specific princes of Northern Russia in the Tatar period, from 1238 to 1505. T. 2. The powerful princes of Vladimir and Moscow destinies and the great and specific sovereign princes of Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod, Tver and Ryazan
Instance. Andrei Vasilyevich. 1846-1900. Great and specific princes of Northern Russia in the Tatar period, from 1238 to 1505. St. Petersburg: ed. gr. I.I. Tolstoy, 1889-1891.
T. 2: The ruling princes of the Vladimir and Moscow princes and the great and specific sovereign princes of Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod, Tver and Ryazan. 1891.
T. 2: The ruling princes of the Vladimir and Moscow princes and the great and specific sovereign princes of Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod, Tver and Ryazan. 1891.
- Vasily III Ivanovich
Description of a series of old weddings: the great prince Vasily Ioannovich Hrabra (a), and the great princes, kings and grand dukes: John Vasilyevich Groznago (b), Vasily Ivanovich Shuiskago (c), Mikhail Romanovich Romanov (g).
Description of a series of ancient weddings: the great prince Vasily Ioannovich Hrabra (a), and the great princes, kings and grand dukes: John Vasilyevich Groznago (b), Vasily Ivanovich Shuiskago (c), Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov (g) ..
Moscow: Univ. type., in Ridiger and Claudia, 1798.In what language were the letters of the Turkish Sultan Selim written to Grand Duke Vasily Ioannovich
Lavrov, Peter Alekseevich (1856-1929). In what language were the letters of the Turkish Sultan Selim written to the Grand Duke Vasily Ioannovich. Category: Sankt Petersburg. Imp. Acad. Sciences, 1896.