Foreign policy. Grand Duchy of Lithuania within the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Foreign policy. Grand Duchy of Lithuania within the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

The Grand Duch of Lithuanian during the conclusion of the Lublin Unce to the death of Stephen Batory (1569-1586).T. 1.

Lappo.Ivan Ivanovich.1869-1944.The Grand Duch of Lithuanian during the conclusion of the Lublin Unce to the death of Stephen Batory (1569-1586).St. Petersburg: Type.I.N.Skorohodov, 1901.T. 1. 1901.
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Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. Monuments of diplomatic relations of ancient Russia with the powers of foreign. T. 35. [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow State with the Polish-Lithuanian

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 35: [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow State with the Polish-Lithuanian. S.Peterburg: Printing house of F.Eleonsky and Co., 1882.

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. Monuments of diplomatic relations of ancient Russia with the powers of foreign. T. 59. [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow State with the Polish-Lithuanian

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 59: [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow State with the Polish-Lithuanian. S.Peterburg: Printing house of F.Eleonsky and Co., 1887.

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. Monuments of diplomatic relations of ancient Russia with the powers of foreign. 71. [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow State with the Polish-Lithuanian state

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 71: [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow state with the Polish-Lithuanian state. Moscow: Typography of A. Katansky and Co., 1892.

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. Monuments of diplomatic relations of ancient Russia with the powers of foreign. T. 137. [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow State with the Polish-Lithuanian state

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 137: [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow state with the Polish-Lithuanian state. Moscow: Typography of G. Lissner and D. Sovko, 1912.

Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. Monuments of diplomatic relations of ancient Russia with the powers of foreign. T. 142. [Monuments of diplomatic relations of the Moscow State with the Polish-Lithuanian state

Russian Historical Society. Collection of the Imperial Russian Historical Society. St. Petersburg, 1867-1916.
T. 142: [Monuments of diplomatic relations between the Moscow State and the Polish-Lithuanian state. Moscow: Typography of G. Lissner and D. Sobko, 1913.