About the Constitution (basic law) of the USSR of 1936 and constitutions (basic laws) of the republics of the USSR in the 1930s
About the Constitution (basic law) of the USSR of 1936 and constitutions (basic laws) of the republics of the USSR in the 1930s
Stalin Constitution and the question of religion
Yaroslavsky, Em. Stalinsky Constitution and the question of religion.Moscow: Ogiz Gos.Anti-religious Publishing House, 1936.
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Конституция СССР
Карпинский, В.Конституция СССР. [Москва] : Партиздат ЦК ВКП(б), 1937.
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Constitution of bourgeois countries and the constitution of the socialist state
Chelyapov, N. Constitution of bourgeois countries and the constitution of the socialist state.Moscow: Young Guard, 1937.
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The Constitution of the USSR and the tasks of the party
The Constitution of the USSR and the tasks of the party. [Moscow]: Partizdat of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B.), 1937.
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Children about the constitution
Children about the Constitution.Petrozavodsk: Kyrian, 1937.
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Under the banner of the Stalin Constitution
Ravin, Semyon Markovich. Under the banner of the Stalin Constitution. Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1938.
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Stalin Constitution - the Constitution of the victorious socialism
Lebedev, V. Stalinsky Constitution is the Constitution of the victorious socialism.Moscow: Ogiz Gos.Publishing House polit.Lit., 1947.
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To help the teacher of the Constitution of the USSR
To help the teacher of the Constitution of the USSR.Kharkov: ed.Region.Institute of Use.teachers, 1941.
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To the history of the Soviet Constitution
Vyshinsky, Andrei Yanuarievich. To the history of the Soviet Constitution. M.: Partizdat, 1937.
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Peoples of the USSR on the Stalin Constitution
Peoples of the USSR on the Stalin Constitution. M.: Sotsakgiz, 1937.
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