Uprisings during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich
Uprisings during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich
Peasant uprisings of the XVII century
Druzhinin, NM The peasant uprisings of the XVII century. Moscow: F-ka № 4 "Soyuzuchposobie", 1932.
Urban uprisings in the Moscow state of the XVII century.
Basilevich, Konstantin Vasilyevich.Urban uprisings in the Moscow State of XVII V.M.: Socyxgiz, 1936;L.
Socio-political struggle in the south of Russia in the middle of the XVII century.
Lyapin, Denis Alexandrovich. Social and political struggle in the south of Russia in the middle of the XVII century Yelets, 2015.
To the history of the 1648 mutiny in Moscow and a friend. cities
To the history of the 1648 mutiny in Moscow and a friend. cities. Moscow: Univ. type., 1896.
Government BI. Morozov and the uprising in Moscow in 1648.
Smirnov, Pavel P. The Government of BI. Morozov and the uprising in Moscow in 1648 Tashkent: Avt.-Az. state. University, 1929.
On the revolt of the city of Pinsk and about the suppression of it in 1648.
On the rebellion of the city of Pinsk and about the suppression of it in 1648 .. Moscow: Imp. History and Antiquities is growing., 1847.
Alexei Mikhailovich's monetary reform and the uprising in Moscow in 1662
Bazilevich, Konstantin Vasilievich
Alexei Mikhailovich's monetary reform and the uprising in Moscow in 1662. Hotels Moscow; Leningrad: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1936.
- The uprising of Stepan Razin
Nechai (Stepan Razin)
Georgievskaya-Druzhinina, Evgenia Vasilievna Nechai (Stepan Razin).
Moscow: Publishing house of the All-Union Politkoter Society and exiled settlers, 1931.The peasantry and the nationalists in the revolutionary movement. 1666-1671
The peasantry and the nationalists in the revolutionary movement. 1666-1671 . The rubbish. M .; L .: Gos. Soc.-Econ. publishing house, 1931.Popular movements in Russia. .... [Ch. 2]. Stenka Razin and razinovshchina
Popular movements in Russia. Stenka Razin and razinovshchina.
St. Petersburg: Publishing of the Joint Stock Company of Printing Work, [1909].Original papers, before the revolt of Pugachev
Authentic papers, before the revolt of Pugachev related. Moscow: at the University Press, 1860.Razin
Tikhomirov The rubbish. Hotels Moscow; Leningrad: State Publishing House, 1930.