Social activity
Social activity
- Great Russian Revolution of 1917
Welcome telegrams of local councils, volost meetings and institutions of the Stavropol province to the Minister-Chairman of the Provisional Government
Chancellery of the Minister-Chairman of the Provisional Government.Welcome telegrams of local councils, volost meetings and institutions of the Stavropol province to the Minister-Chairman of the Provisional Government.1917 in the Stavropol province
1917 in the Stavropol province. Stavropol: Istpartotdel Okkomv VKP (b) and the Jubilee Commission, 1927. - Elections to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly
Decrees, minutes, journals of meetings of the county election commissions of the Stavropol Gubernia on elections to the Constituent Assembly
Russia (1917, February-October). Commission for Elections to the Constituent Assembly. Decrees, minutes, journals of meetings of the county election commissions of the Stavropol Gubernia on elections to the Constituent Assembly. 19 -.Lists of candidates for the Constituent Assembly for the Stavropol Territorial Electoral Commission
Russia (1917, February-October). Commission for Elections to the Constituent Assembly. Lists of candidates for the Constituent Assembly for the Stavropol constituency election commission. 19 -.