Collected works
Collected works
- N. V. Gogol. Works by Nikolai Gogol: in 4 volumes. St. Petersburg, in the printing house of A. Borodin and Co., 1842
Gogol N.V. Works of Nikolai Gogol: [in 6 volumes].T. 1.-St. Petersburg: Type.A. Borodin and Co., 1842. - XVIII, 186, VIII, 260, [2] p.
Gogol N.V. Works of Nikolai Gogol: [in 6 volumes].T. 1.-St. Petersburg: Type.A. Borodin and Co., 1842. - XVIII, 186, VIII, 260, [2] p.1842. - Works and letters of by N. V. Gogol: in 6 volumes. St. Petersburg, published by P. A. Kulish, 1857
Works and letters of N.V.Gogol.T. 1. Evenings on the farm.MirgorodWorks and letters of N.V.Gogol.T. 2. Arabesques.Dramatic works
Gogol.Nikolay Vasilievich.Works and letters of N.V.Gogol.St. Petersburg: ed.P.A.Kulisha, 1857.T. 2: Arabesques;Dramatic works.1857.Works and letters of N.V.Gogol.T. 3. Story.Correspondence with friends.Author's confession
Gogol.Nikolay Vasilievich.Works and letters of N.V.Gogol.T. 3: Story;Correspondence with friends;Author's confession.1857.Works and letters of N.V.Gogol.T. 4. Dead souls
Gogol.Nikolay Vasilievich.Works and letters of N.V.Gogol.T. 4: Dead souls.1857.Works and letters of N.V.Gogol.T. 5. Letters, from 1820 to 1842
Gogol.Nikolay Vasilievich.Works and letters of N.V.Gogol.T. 5: Letters, from 1820 to 1842.1857.Works and letters of N.V.Gogol.T. 6. Letters, from 1843 to 1852
Gogol.Nikolay Vasilievich.Works and letters of N.V.Gogol.St. Petersburg: ed.P.A.Kulisha, 1857.T. 6: Letters, from 1843 to 1852.1857. - N. V. Gogol. Illustrated complete works by N. V. Gogol: in 8 volumes. M., Pechatnik, 1912–1913
Illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 1
Gogol.N.V. illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 1. [1912].Illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 2
Gogol.N.V. illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.Moscow: Pechatnik, [1912] -1913.T. 2. 1912.Illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 3
Gogol.N.V. illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 3. [1912].Illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 4
Gogol.N.V. illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 4. 1912.Illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 5
Gogol.N.V. illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 5. 1912.Illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 6
Gogol.N.V. illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.Moscow: Pechatnik, [1912] -1913.T. 6. 1913.Illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 7
Gogol.N.V. illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.Moscow: Pechatnik, [1912] -1913.T. 7. 1913.Illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 8
Gogol.N.V. illustrated complete works of N.V.Gogol.T. 8. 1913.