• Nablyudatel (The Watcher): a literary, political and scientific journal. St. Petersburg, 1882-1904.

    The journal is literary, political and academic, contains illustrations. It was published in 1882-1904 in St. Petersburg. Editor-publisher: philologist and literary historian A.P. Pyatkovsky. Frequency: monthly (9 books per year). In 1888, Nos. 5-10 were not published; in 1902, only Nos. 1-3 were published. Literary works, political chronicles, information about new books, advertisements, etc. were printed on the pages of the journal. Separate monographs and collections were published as appendices to the journal.. Since 1897, the daily newspaper Glasnost (Publicity) was published with it. There is an index of the contents: An index of articles published in the Observer journal from 1882 to 1894 (published in No. 12, 1894).

    Presented issue: 1882

  • Peoples' Teacher: Weekly Professional and Socio-Pedagogical Magazine. Chisinau; Kiev; Moscow, 1906-1919

    Professional and socio-political magazine. It was published from March 1906 until January 1919. In 1906-1908 (No. 1-7), it was published in Chisinau, in 1908-1909 (No. 8-15) - in Kiev, in 1910-1919 - in Moscow. Until 1912, it was published twice a month, then weekly (it was not issued in the summer months). In 1906-1918, from 15 to 40 issues were published per year. In 1919, 1 issue was edited. Annual Indices for 1906-1907, 1910, 1912-1918 are in the last issue of each year. Permanent sections of the magazine: Chronicle of Public Education, In Teacher Societies, Local Messages, Internal Review, General News, Repressions, Media, From the Life of a Foreign School. The magazine consistently fought for the school democratization, its liberation from the influence of the tsarist bureaucracy. Particular attention was paid to the needs of the country school. It widely popularized the activities of the All-Russian Union of Teachers, various teacher organizations and societies, and highlighted the peasant movement.

    Presented issues: 1909.

  • Primary School. Moscow, 1933-

    A scientific and methodical magazine. In different periods it was the press organ of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Popular Education of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. The magazine has been published since 1933 in Moscow (in 1946-1948, in Moscow and Leningrad). A monthly edition. The magazine materials reflect both issues related to education in general and the professional training of primary school teachers. It issues official documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, theoretical and practical materials on primary education, methodological materials on all subjects and courses for each grade of primary school. Since 2007, it has supplements to individual issues: Practice: A Guide for Teachers.

    Presented issues: 1940

  • At Literary Watch. Moscow, 1926-1932

    A magazine of Marxist criticism was published by the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers. It was issued in 1926-1932, in Moscow. The magazine continued the activity of the reorganized magazine At Watch (1923-1925). Until 1931, it was a critical and theoretical press organ of the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers (published two times per month). In 1931, it was reorganized for the needs of the movement of advanced literators and members of the literary circles (published three times a month). Editors: L. Averbakh, B. Volin, Yu. Libedinsky, M. Olminsky, F. Raskolnikov and others. The publication was discontinued after the liquidation of the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers. The last issue was published in May 1932.

    Presented issues: 1928

  • New Word. Saint-Petersburg, 1894-1897.

    Scientific, literary, and political magazine. It was published in 1894-1897 in Saint- Petersburg. The magazine was founded by I. Potanin in 1893. From 1895, the magazine was edited by writer and publisher O. N. Popova. Editors: A. A. Sleptsov, A. M. Skabichevsky. Monthly edition. At the beginning it was a liberal-populist magazine, then a Marxist edition. In 1897, from issue No. 6, the magazine's materials were subjected to censorship reductions. On December 10, 1897, by the decision of the three ministers and the Ober-Procurator of the Most Holy Synod, Konstantin Pobedonostsev the magazine was finally forbidden. In 1897, Vol. 12 was confiscated and burned. The magazine featured works of S. Krivenko, Y. Abramov, L. Obolensky, N. Danielson, N. Vorontsov, V. Lenin, G. V. Plekhanov, V. I. Zasulich, Y. O. Martov, A. M. Kalmykova, P. B. Struve, V. I. Bogucharsky, S. Bulgakov, M. I. Tugan-Baranovsky, M. Gorky, V. V. Veresaev, E. Chirikov, and others.

    Presented issues: 1894-1897.