The case in relation to the Astrakhan governor about granting the city to Black Yar the right to use the 10-invented strip of Kalmyk land
Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case in relation to the Astrakhan governor about the provision of the city of the Black Yar the right to use the 10-invented strip of Kalmyk land.
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The case on the representation of the Astrakhan governor about the settlement of the Kalmyk steppe according to the farm system
Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case on the representation of the Astrakhan governor about the settlement of the Kalmyk steppe according to the farm system.
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Reports and correspondence with the main trustee of the Kalmyk people and the Department of State Land Property on the transfer of the Tingutinsky irrigated plot of the Astrakhan province to manage an irrigation expedition in the south of Russia and the Caucasus
124 l.
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The case at the request of the trusted Tunduovsky rural society of the Astrakhan province about the construction of a hydraulic structure in the irrigation dam on the Kalmyk land of the Ungun-Terechinsky Society of the Maloderbetevsky ulus, [with the application of the verdict of peasants]
Land improvements department of the Ministry of Agriculture.The case at the request of the Tund of the Tunduovsky rural society of the Astrakhan province about the structure of the hydraulic structure in the irrigation dam on the Kalmyk land of the Ungun-Terechinsky Society of the Maloderbetevsky ulus, [with the application of the verdict of peasants].
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Correspondence at the request of the peasant village of King Astrakhan province Leonty Razuvaev for renting 50 acres from the Kalmyk land near the Tsaritsyn Lake
Land improvements department of the Ministry of Agriculture.Correspondence at the request of the peasant village of King Astrakhan province Leonty Razuvaev for renting 50 acres from the Kalmyk land near the Tsaritsyn Lake.
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State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations.The State Duma Foundation I, II, III and IV convocations.The case on the bill of the ministries of the internal affairs, introduced in the State Duma of the third convocation, on the streamlining of land ownership of the settled (peasant and Cossack) and nomadic Kalmyk population in the area of the fifteen -unit band within the Astrakhan province
State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations.Russia.The State Duma.Fourth convocation (1912-1917).The case on the bill of the ministries of the internal affairs, introduced in the State Duma of the third convocation, on the streamlining of land ownership of the settled (peasant and Cossack) and nomadic Kalmyk population in the area of the fifteen -unit band within the Astrakhan province.1911-1914.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
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On the recognition of the Regulation on the One S.-kh.Tax in the Oirat Autonomous Region
The Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR).On the recognition of the Regulation on the One S.-kh.Tax in the Oirat Autonomous Region.