Industrial production, crafts. The activities of individual enterprises
Industrial production, crafts. The activities of individual enterprises
Forests of national importance of the Chuvash Republic as a source of raw materials for the woodworking industry
Ulyev, A.P.Lesa of the state value of the Chuvash Republic as a source of raw materials for the woodworking industry. Cheboksary: edition of the State Planning Committee of the Czechoslovak Republic, 1927.
Государственная книжная палата Чувашской Республики
The new industrial construction of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the period 1928 / 29-1932 / 33.
Alekseev, Tikhon Danilovich. New industrial construction of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the period 1928 / 29-1932 / 33 years. Cheboksary: SNK of the CASSR, 1929.
Industry of the Chuvash ASSR and prospects for its development
Tsukerman, A.Industry of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and prospects for its development. [Bitter]: OGIZ. It's bitter. edges. publishing house, 1932.
Excursion to the woodworking factories of Chuvashia
Lentovsky, M.Excursion on woodworking combines of Chuvashia. Cheboksary: Chuvashgiz, 1935.