Chuvash people
Chuvash people
Notes about Chuvashah
Failures, Vasily Afanasyevich (1810-1855).Notes about Chuvashah.[Kazan: Type.Orlova, 1851].
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Chuvash in everyday, historical and religious relations
Sboyev, Vasily Afanasyevich (1810-1855).
Chuvashi in everyday, historical and religious relations.
Moscow: the type. S. Orlov, 1865.
Moscow: the type. S. Orlov, 1865.
On the influence of Jewry on the Chuvash
Malov, Evfimiy Aleksandrovich (1835-).
On the influence of Jewry on the Chuvash. The Kazan: type. Imp. University, 1882.
Bulgarians and Chuvashes
Ashmarin, Nikolai Ivanovich (1870-1933).
Bulgarians and Chuvashes.
Kazan: Tipo-lit. Imp. University, 1902.
Kazan: Tipo-lit. Imp. University, 1902.
About Chuvash
Miljkovic, Kapiton. About Chuvash. Kazan: type. Lips. 1888.
Национальная библиотека Чувашской республики
Index of books, brochures, journal and newspaper articles and notes in Russian about the Chuvashes, in connection with other foreigners of the Middle Volga region, from 1756 to 1906
Ivanov, Anthony Simeonovich
Index of books, brochures, journal and newspaper articles and notes in Russian about the Chuvashes, in connection with other foreigners of the Middle Volga region, from 1756 to 1906.
Kazan: Typo-lithography of the Imp. University, 1907.
Kazan: Typo-lithography of the Imp. University, 1907.
On the origin of the Chuvash
Petrov, Mikhail Petrovich. On the origin of the Chuvash. Cheboksary: Chuvash. state. publishing house, 1925.
On the question of the origin of the Chuvash
Khudyakov, Mikhail Georgievich. To the question of the origin of the Chuvash. Baku: Survey and study of Azerbaijan, 1927.
Chuvash and their neighbors
Poppe, Nikolay Nikolaevich. Chuvash and their neighbors. Cheboksary: The study of the local land, 1927.
A short course of ethnography Chuvash. Issue. 1
Nikolsky, N.V. Short course of ethnography Chuvash. Cheboksary: B. and., 1928.
Issue. 1. 1928.
Issue. 1. 1928.