Everyday life
Everyday life
Morals and customs in the Cheboksary Uyezd
Magnitsky, Vasily Konstantinovich (1839-1901).
Manners and customs in the Cheboksary district.
Kazan: Typography of Provincial government, 1888.
Kazan: Typography of Provincial government, 1888.
Rituals and customs of the Chuvash
Mikhailov, VI Obrady and the customs of the Chuvash. St. Petersburg: the steamer skoropech. BY. Yablonsky, 1891.
НБ Чувашской Республики
Traditions of the Chuvash of Bichurinsky parish, Cheboksary uyezd, and ways of treating their diseases
Fedorov, Mikhail Fedorovich (1848-1904). Traditions of the Chuvash Bichurinsky parish, Cheboksary uyezd, and ways of treating their illnesses. [Kazan, 1876].
Chuvash and their song and music creation
Pavlov, FP Chuvashi and their song and music. Cheboksary: The island explored. the local province, in 1926.
The butterfly at the Chuvash
Archangel, Nikolay Alexandrovich. The butterfly at the Chuvash. Kazan: Tipo-lit. Imp. University, 1910.
The power of grass-roots culture Chuvash (end of XIX-the beginning of the 21st century)
Sergeeva, Evgenia. The power of grass-roots culture Chuvash (end of XIX-the beginning of the 21st century). Samara, 2013.
- Customs, rituals, holidays. Traditional medicine and cooking
A note by a professor of Moscow University, Doctor of Medicine Grigory Efimovich Shchurovsky about morals, customs and superstitions of Chuvash
Perovsky: Alexey Alekseevich (pseudonym Anthony Pogorelsky) (1787-1836), writer;Lev Alekseevich, Count (1792-1855), Minister of the Interior;Vasily Alekseevich, Count (1795-1857), Orenburg military governor;Boris Alekseevich, Count (1814-1881), chief of staff of the Railway Corps, member of the State Council.A note by a professor of Moscow University, Doctor of Medicine Grigory Efimovich Shchurovsky about morals, customs and superstitions of Chuvash.Rituals and customs of the Chuvash
Mikhailov, VI Obrady and the customs of the Chuvash. St. Petersburg: the steamer skoropech. BY. Yablonsky, 1891. - Calendar rituals and holidays
Calendar-ritual folklore of Chuvash of Bashkortostan
Kobtseva, Nina Efimovna. Calendar-ritual folklore of Chuvash of Bashkortostan. Chelyabinsk, 2010.Features of the ritual calendar of Chuvash in ethno -contact zone with the Tatars
Semenova, Tatyana Vitalievna.Features of the ritual calendar of Chuvash in an ethno -contact zone with the Tatars.St. Petersburg, 2015. - Legal customs
The activities of the worldly Court Chuvash peasants during the second half of XIX-beginning of XX centuries
Egorov, Dmitry Vladimirovich. The activities of the worldly Court Chuvash peasants during the second half of XIX-beginning of XX centuries. Cheboksary, 2010. - Wedding ceremonies and customs
Wedding rites at the Chuvash Kossmodemyansky and Cheboksary counties
Manuscripts of works in the Kazan province (geography, ethnography, folklore).Solovyov, E. T. T.S Vodeba rites at the Chuvash Kossmodemyansky and Cheboksary counties.Wedding riding Chuvash: interaction ritual and music
Osipov, Alexander Abramovich.Wedding riding Chuvash: interaction ritual and music.Cheboksary, 2019.