Economics. Economic geography
Economics. Economic geography
- Economic Management
The socio-economic policy of the Russian state as a factor in political stabilization in the Republic of Dagestan
The socio-economic policy of the Russian state as a factor in political stabilization in the Republic of Dagestan.2014.The formation and development of regional special economic zones (for example, the Republic of Dagestan)
Abakarova, Rabyat Shamsulvaraevna.The formation and development of regional special economic zones (for example, the Republic of Dagestan).St. Petersburg, 2017. - Statistical information on the economy
Information for the report of the Chairman of the Central Council of the National Economy at the session of the Dagestan Cik
Council of People's Commissars RSFSR (SNK RSFSR).Information for the report of the Chairman of the Central Council of National Economy at the session of the Dagestan Cik.Statistical collection of 1925-26
Statistical collection of 1925-26 Makhachkala: Typo-Lit."Red October", 1926.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Industrial production, crafts
Under the Highest Command to find ways to stop korchstva salt in North Dagestan, extracted from the salt lake, located 18 versts from Burnoy and owned by Shamkhal Tarkovsky. This included the case of the Office of the Military Ministry for the same subjec
Caucasian Committee.
According to the Highest Command to find ways to stop korchstva salt in North Dagestan, extracted from a salt lake, located 18 versts from Burnoy and owned by Shamkhal Tarkovsky. Here, the case of the Office of the Military Ministry on the same subject was attached on September 4, 1840.Dagestan industry for five years. 1920-1925
Dagestan industry for five years. 1920-1925. Buinaksk: Typographic lithography of Dagnarcompros, [1925].Dagestan oil deposits: (new areas of Grozneft)
Dagestan oil deposits: (new areas of Grozneft).1934. - Agriculture
Dagestan village in the period of systemic transformation in the country (1985-1991): state and problems
Abdurazakov, Murad Abdurazakovich. Dagestan village in the period of systemic transformation in the country (1985-1991): state and problems. Makhachkala, 2013. - Transport and communication routes
On the establishment of the fortification of Peter the Great on the north-western shore of the Caspian Sea of the port city of Petrovsk
Russia. Caucasian Committee. On the establishment at the Peter's fortification on the north-western shore of the Caspian Sea port city of Petrovsk. 1857 - [1866]. - Communication
On the continuation of the existing postal route between Derbent and Temir Khan Shura, through Chir-Yurt to Khasav Yurt
Caucasian Committee.
About the continuation of the existing postal tract between Derbent and Temir-Khan-Shura, through Chir-Yurt to Khasav Yurt.