General description
General description
For Chechnya and Dagestan
Dinnik, Nikolai Yakovlevich (1847-1917). On Chechnya and Dagestan. Tiflis: The printing house of KP Kozlovsky, 1905.
Донская ГПБ
The case of the description of the Vedeno and Grozny districts of the Terek region
Loris-Melikov Mikhail Tarilovich, Earl (1825-1888), Commander of the Operating Corps of the Caucasian Army, Chief of the Supreme Administrative Commission for the Preservation of State Order and Public Peace, Minister of Internal Affairs.
The case of the description of the Vedeno and Grozny districts of the Terek region.
The case of the description of the Vedeno and Grozny districts of the Terek region.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
In the sea
Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vasily Ivanovich (1848-1936). In the sea. Moscow: the publication of DP Efimov, 1897.
Донская ГПБ
Report of the head of the field visit of the officers of the General Staff of the Caucasian Military District in Chechnya, Dagestan and the Lezgin line in 1902
The Caucasian military district. Headquarters. Report of the chief field visit head of the officers of the General Staff of the Caucasian Military District in Chechnya, Dagestan and the Lezgin line in 1902. St. Petersburg: the edition of the headquarters of the Caucasian Military District, 1903.
Донская ГПБ
On the slums of Chechnya (burning and sore question)
According to the slums of Chechnya (burning and sore question).1913.
НБ Чеченской Республики
The territorial features of the development of the tourism sector and its influence on the economy on the example of the Chechen Republic
Nazaeva, Marianna Isaevna.Territorial features of the development of the tourism sector and its influence on the economy on the example of the Chechen Republic.Sochi, 2017.
- Individual localities
The whole of Grozny and its environs: Oilfields. Resort Goryachevodsk. Sernovodsk
The whole of Grozny and its environs: Oilfields. Resort Goryachevodsk. The resort of Sernovodsk. Vladikavkaz: the publication of DA Babkov and AI Maksimov, 1914.
Содерж. Чечня С.63–83 (сканы 68–87)