Transport and communication routes

Transport and communication routes

Report of the Board of the Society of the Mud-Tsaritsyn railway on the actions of it from the basis of the Society of the Mud-Borisoglebsk road to December 1870

Society of Mud-Tsaritsyn Railway.Governing body.Report of the Board of the Society of the Mud-Tsaritsyn Railway on the actions of it from the basis of the Society of the Mud-Borisoglebsk road to December 1870.St. Petersburg: Type.Majkova, 1870.
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The case of the alienation of the Earth for the Ertil Railway Branch of Prince Vladimir Nikolayevich Orlov from the possession of the peasant-owner of the village of Dmitropolier (Usman district of the Tambov province) Procopius Egorov Shulgin

Orlovs, counts, subsequently princes.The case of the alienation of the Earth for the Ertil Railway branch of Prince Vladimir Nikolayevich Orlov from the possession of the peasant-owner of the village of Dmitropolier (Usman district of the Tambov province) Procopius Egorov Shulgin.
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