Travel to Siberia
Travel to Siberia
Traveling through Siberia from Tobolsk to Nichreska and the borders of China Russian Messenger Nikolai Sawarius in 1675
Spafaria-mileska, Nikolai Gavrilovich (1636-1708).Traveling through Siberia from Tobolsk to Nikolai Nikolai Sawarius in 1675 Sanct-Petersburg: type.Kirschbaum, 1882.
Siberia in the news of Western European travelers and writers T. 1: XIII-XVII centuries.
Siberia in the news of Western European travelers and writers T. 1: XIII-XVII centuries. 1932.
Омская ГОНБ
Siberia in the News of Western European Travelers and Writers
Siberia in the news of Western European travelers and writers. 1936.
Государственная библиотека Югры
"Notes of a trip to Siberia" A.N.Radishchev
Kallash, V.V. "Notes of a trip to Siberia" A.N.Radishchev.St. Petersburg: Type.Imp.Acad.Sciences, 1907.
Samara OUNB
Journey Baron Alexander Humboldt, Erenberg and Rose, in 1829 in Siberia and to the Caspian Sea
Humboldt, Alexander Friedrich Background (1769-1859).Journey Baron Alexander Humboldt, Ehrenberg and Rose, in 1829 in Siberia and to the Caspian Sea.St. Petersburg: Type.L. Snegiva and K °, 1837.
Донская ГПБ
Notes of the unfortunate, containing a trip to Siberia along the rope
Kolesnikov, Vasily Pavlovich (1804-1876).
Notes of the unfortunate, containing a trip to Siberia along the rope.
St. Petersburg: Lights, 1914.
St. Petersburg: Lights, 1914.
Тюменская ОНБ
Travel to Western Siberia
Finsh, O. Travel in Western Siberia.Moscow: Type.M.N.Lavrova and Co., 1882.
Journey to the East of His Imperial Highness the Tsar's heir to the Crown Prince. [T. 3], Part 6. [In Siberia]
Ukhtomsky, Esper Esperovich (1861-1921). Journey to the East of His Imperial Highness the Tsar's heir to the Crown Prince. St. Petersburg: F. A. Brockhaus, 1893-1897; Leipzig.
[T. 3], Part 6: [In Siberia]. 1897.
[T. 3], Part 6: [In Siberia]. 1897.
Тюменская ОНБ