Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy

Overview of external relations of Russia (for 1800). Part 1. (Austria, England, Hungary, Holland, Denmark, Spain)

Bantysh-Kamensky, Nikolai Nikolayevich (1737-1814). Overview of external relations of Russia (for 1800). Moscow: The Commission for Printing State Letters and Treaties at the Moscow Main Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1894-1902.
Part 1: (Austria, England, Hungary, Holland, Denmark, Spain). 1894.

Correspondence with the Austrian-Tsarist court. pp. 1-4 (scans 21-24); Correspondence with the Hungarian court. pp. 156-157 (scans 176-177); Correspondence with the Danish court. pp. 208 (scan 228).

Overview of external relations of Russia (for 1800). Part 3. (Courland, Livonia, Estland, Finland, Poland and Portugal)

  Bantysh-Kamensky, Nikolai Nikolayevich (1737-1814).     Overview of external relations of Russia (for 1800). (Courland, Livonia, Estland, Finland, Poland and Portugal).
Moscow: Komis. printing state. certificates and contracts with Moscow. Ch. arch. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Affairs, 1894-1902.1897.

Documents related to the Livonian Order and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. pp. 63-62, 75-86 (scans 77-78, 89-100).

Monuments of diplomatic relations of ancient Russia with the powers of foreign. [T. 1. Monuments of diplomatic relations with the Roman Empire

Monuments of diplomatic relations of ancient Russia with the powers of foreign. St. Petersburg: published by the Department of the Own EI V. Chancellery, 1851-1871.
[T. 1: Monuments of diplomatic relations with the Roman Empire. 1851.

The embassy books contained instructions to the ambassadors, their mission reports, and protocols for receptions of foreign ambassadors. Materials on relations with the Holy Roman Empire and Hungary are collected here. pp. I–V, pp. 1-173 (scans 9-13, 37-123).
