The Moscow Kremlin. Fortifications
The Moscow Kremlin. Fortifications
Moscow Kremlin in the old days and now Ch. 1: Historical outline of the Kremlin fortifications
The Moscow Kremlin in the old days and now Ch. 1: A historical outline of the Kremlin fortifications.1912.
Moscow Kremlin in the old days and now.Prince.2: Sovereign Dvor;Rurikovich's house
Moscow Kremlin in the old days and now.Prince.2: Sovereign Dvor;Rurikovich's house.1916.
The Sovereign's court in the Kremlin under Grand Duke John III Vasilyevich. pp. 67-94 (scans 76-103).
Construction of new Kremlin fortifications by Ivan Vasilyevich III. pp. 29-42 (scans 40-57).