Scientific and educational activities of society
Scientific and educational activities of society
Journal of incoming papers Irvio for 1908 t. Part 1.
Journal of incoming papers Irvio for 1908 t. Part 1.
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The journal of outgoing papers Irvio for 1908. In the case there are lists of surnames elected to members of the company.
The journal of outgoing papers Irvio for 1908. In the case there are lists of surnames elected to members of the company.
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Materials and documents on the activities of the company.In the case there are: clippings from the newspaper Russian Disabled under the heading "Izvestia of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society" , rough notes on the activities of the company made by the Secretary of the Council for publication in the "Russian disabled person" .
Materials and documents on the activities of the company.In the case there are: clippings from the newspaper Russian Disabled under the heading "Izvestia of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society" , rough notes on the activities of the company made by the Secretary of the Council for publication in the "Russian disabled person" .
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Correspondence of the Council of the Company with various institutions, organizations and individuals on military history issues.In the case there are: information about the noble surname Dashkovich-Gorbatsky;About monuments located near Leipzig, dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812–1813.(negatives);Cutting from the newspapers "Voice of Moscow" and "Russian Disabled" about the activities of Irvio and the Committee on the creation of the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812 in Moscow.
Correspondence of the Council of the Company with various institutions, organizations and individuals on military history issues.In the case there are: information about the noble surname Dashkovich-Gorbatsky;About monuments located near Leipzig, dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812–1813.(negatives);Cutting from the newspapers "Voice of Moscow" and "Russian Disabled" about the activities of Irvio and the Committee on the creation of the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812 in Moscow.
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A collection of materials and documents on the creation of the Irvio library.In the case there are: statements from institutions and individuals about the delivery of books on universal and military history;copies of answers to the gifts;the article "From the past Polotsk diocese" on the archival documents of the Vitebsk provincial rule;Photo of monuments dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo in the village of Monastyrshchina of the Tula province.(The ancient royal gates and iconostasis of the main limit of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a monument on the Red Hill, erected in 1848 in honor of the Battle of Kulikovo).
A collection of materials and documents on the creation of the Irvio library.In the case there are: statements from institutions and individuals about the delivery of books on universal and military history;copies of answers to the gifts;the article "From the past Polotsk diocese" on the archival documents of the Vitebsk provincial rule;Photo of monuments dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo in the village of Monastyrshchina of the Tula province.(The ancient royal gates and iconostasis of the main limit of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a monument on the Red Hill,...
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Correspondence V.G.Glazov with the Russian Military Historical Society, mainly on organizational issues
Glazov Vladimir Gavrilovich (1848-1920 (?)).Correspondence V.G.Glazov with the Russian Military Historical Society, mainly on organizational issues.
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- Memorial activities
A collection of documents on the activities of the Company to honor various anniversaries.The case contains: the charter of the company (1907) and the draft amendment and additions to it (1908);Information on the opening of monuments A.V.Suvorov in Ochakovo (1907), Peter I in Riga (1910
A collection of documents on the activities of the Company to honor various anniversaries.The case contains: the charter of the company (1907) and the draft amendment and additions to it (1908);Information on the opening of monuments A.V.Suvorov in Ochakovo (1907), Peter I in Riga (1910) and the construction of the monument A.V.Suvorov in Rymnik;On the honor of the creative activity of A.S.Suvorin and gr.P.S.Uvarova;On preparations for the anniversary dates-the 200th anniversary of the Moscow Military Hospital, the 200th anniversary of the Poltava Victory, the 100th anniversary of Finland’s...Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахA collection of materials and documents on the organization of celebrations in honor of 200 years of anniversaries of battles under Lesnoy (1708) and Poltava (1709).The case contains: a draft program of the Poltava Victory and the Highest approved Order of Celebrations on June 26-28, 1909 in P
A collection of materials and documents on the organization of celebrations in honor of 200 years of anniversaries of battles under Lesnoy (1708) and Poltava (1709).In the case, there are: a draft program of honoring the Poltava Victory and the Highest approved order of celebrations on June 26-28, 1909 in Poltava;correspondence of members of the Council with the military department for organizing celebrations in Poltava and St. Petersburg;announcements, posters and invitation tickets for the solemn meeting of Irvio in St. Petersburg;N. Mikhnevich’s speech about the Poltava victory;a list of...Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахOn the activities of the Society for the Preparation of the Celebration: the 200th anniversary of the Poltava Victory and the 100th anniversary of the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-1809;holding a competition for the publication of a brochure dedicated to the Battle of Poltava for lower ranks;Cutting from the newspaper "New Time" about the act
On the activities of the Society for the Preparation of the Celebration: the 200th anniversary of the Poltava Victory and the 100th anniversary of the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-1809;holding a competition for the publication of a brochure dedicated to the Battle of Poltava for lower ranks;Cutting from the newspaper "New Time" on the activities of members of the Company for the preparation of anniversary dates.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахOn the activities of members of the company in various committees, commissions and congresses.In the committees: on competitive projects of the building of Ersavim and the creation of the monument to M.D.Skobelev in Moscow.In the commissions: on the preparation of a new provision on archival office work and celebrations
On the activities of members of the company in various committees, commissions and congresses.In the committees: on competitive projects of the building of Ersavim and the creation of the monument to M.D.Skobelev in Moscow.In the commissions: on the preparation of a new provision on the archive office work and celebration of the anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812 in the congresses: XV All -Russian archaeological in Novgorod in 1911, in the II All -Russian writers in Kostroma in 1910;librarians and archival figures in Brussels in 1910 In the case there are: the rules of the XV...Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахA collection of materials and documents on the activities of the Company on the construction, restoration and protection of military-historical monuments.In the case there is a correspondence of the chairman of the company with institutions and private individuals on the construction of monuments: A.V.Suvorov in
A collection of materials and documents on the activities of the Company on the construction, restoration and protection of military-historical monuments.In the case there is a correspondence of the chairman of the company with institutions and private individuals on the construction of monuments: A.V.Suvorov in Rymnik and Izmail;A.S.FIGNER in St. Petersburg;chapels in Helsingfors in memory of the 1808-1809-1809;Captain Seserin and the lower ranks of his company in Gori;restoration of the Kutuzov fountain near the village of Shum;correction of inscriptions on marble boards in the Cathedral of...Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Educational activities
The text of the appeal of the Council of the Company to the commanders of the units, the heads of archives and individual institutions of the military department on the goals and objectives of the established company with the invitation of officers and class officials to take part in his educational activities;h
The text of the appeal of the Council of the Company to the commanders of the units, the heads of archives and individual institutions of the military department on the goals and objectives of the established company with the invitation of officers and class officials to take part in his educational activities;Applications from those who wish to be elected to the members of the company with the list of scientific papers.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахA collection of documents on the creation of a department for organizing public lectures and readings at the company.In the case there are letters of actual members of the company V. Zheve and G. Gabaev.
A collection of documents on the creation of a department for organizing public lectures and readings at the company.In the case there are letters of actual members of the company V. Zheve and G. Gabaev.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахA collection of documents and materials on the organization and conduct of public lectures.In the case there are: correspondence of members of the company with the chairman and secretary of the Council of the Company;Cutting from newspapers "Russian disabled" and "New Time" with notes on the lectures read;One hundred
A collection of documents and materials on the organization and conduct of public lectures.In the case there are: correspondence of members of the company with the chairman and secretary of the Council of the Company;Cutting from newspapers "Russian disabled" and "New Time" with notes on the lectures read;Article of A. Elchaninov "To the 300th anniversary of the siege of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra" ;map of the Trans -Caspian region;information about the wounded and killed ranks of the Murghab detachment;Afisha and reports of reports.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Archival activities
Requests of the duty general of the General Staff in Irvio on devices in the military districts of the central military archives and the conclusion of members of the Council of the Company on this issue.
Requests of the duty general of the General Staff in Irvio on devices in the military districts of the central military archives and the conclusion of members of the Council of the Company on this issue.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахAbout the work of the reference bureau of the company.The case contains: requests of institutions, military units, individuals, including foreign citizens to search for military-historical information;Answers to requests indicating the bibliography and location of the arch
About the work of the reference bureau of the company.The case contains: requests of institutions, military units, individuals, including foreign citizens to search for military-historical information;Answers to requests indicating the bibliography and the location of archival documents.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахCorrespondence of members of the Company with the Chairman of the Council on the assistance of the study of documents in domestic archives and libraries.In the case there is a note by I.F.Pavlovsky about the creation of a museum on the "Swedish grave" dedicated to the Battle of Poltava.
Correspondence of members of the Company with the Chairman of the Council on the assistance of the study of documents in domestic archives and libraries.In the case there is a note by I.F.Pavlovsky about the creation of a museum on the "Swedish grave" dedicated to the Battle of Poltava.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахCorrespondence of the Council of the Company with the main headquarters about the place of storage of the archive of the former Courland duchy (I-I half of the 19th century until 1796), which was in Mitava, the conclusion of Irvio on this issue.
Correspondence of the Council of the Company with the main headquarters about the place of storage of the archive of the former Courland duchy (I-I half of the 19th century until 1796), which was in Mitava, the conclusion of Irvio on this issue.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Publishing activities
A collection of documents and materials on the publishing activities of Irvio.In the case there are: position on publishing, correspondence of the chairman and secretary of the Council of the Company with the authors on the publication of their works (N. Bychkovsky "Battle of the Green Field" , S.D. MA m.
A collection of documents and materials on the publishing activities of Irvio.The case contains: the provision on publishing, the correspondence of the chairman and secretary of the Council of the Company with the authors on the publication of their works (N. Bychkovsky "Battle of the Green Field" , S.D. Maslovsky "Bibliography of Military History" , Zausnitsky "History of codification of Russian military legislation");with the owners of manuscripts (N.G. Ustryalov and A.P. Popov) and collections of military-historical documents for their publication;on the transfer of documents and materials...Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахA collection of materials and documents on the publication of the "Journal of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society".In the case there are: a draft proposals by P. Simansky and A. Bayov on the publication of the magazine and comments on him;Bulletin on the election of the editor;List of materials
A collection of materials and documents on the publication of the "Journal of the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society".In the case there are: a draft proposals by P. Simansky and A. Bayov on the publication of the magazine and comments on him;Bulletin on the election of the editor;list of materials proposed for publication;Correspondence of the editor (P. Simansky) and deputy.editor (Gabaeva) with the Secretary of the Council of the Society for Publishing Activities;Cutting from the newspaper "Russian Disabled" with notes on the publication of the magazine Irvio;A request from the...Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахLetters of a member of the Russian Military Historical Society Valer.Paul.Fedorova V.G.Glazov about the promotion of the publishing house of the magazine "1812"
Glazov Vladimir Gavrilovich (1848-1920 (?)).Letters of a member of the Russian Military Historical Society Valer.Paul.Fedorova V.G.Glazov about the promotion of the publishing house of the magazine "1812".Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах- Financing of publications
On the vacation of benefits to the Russian military-historical society for publishing.April 26 - May 4.
On the vacation of benefits to the Russian military-historical society for publishing.April 26 - May 4, 1910Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахState Duma I, II, III and IV convocations.The State Duma Foundation I, II, III and IV convocations.The case of the bill of the military ministry, submitted to the State Duma of the third convocation, on the release of funds to the Russian military-historical society and
State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations.Russia.The State Duma.The third convocation (1907-1912).The case on the bill of the military ministry, introduced to the State Duma of the third convocation, on the release of funds to the Russian military-historical society to publication of works.1911-1912.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахOn issuing benefits to a member of the Russian Military Historical Society V.R.Apukhtina on the coverage of expenses by publishing his book "People's Military Force".August 22 - September 7.
On issuing benefits to a member of the Russian Military Historical Society V.R.Apukhtina on the coverage of expenses by publishing his book "People's Military Force".August 22 - September 7.1912Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахState Duma I, II, III and IV convocations.State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations.The case of the bill of the military ministry, introduced to the State Duma of the fourth convocation, on the release of funds to the Russian military-historical society
State Duma I, II, III and IV convocations.Russia.The State Duma.Fourth convocation (1912-1917).The case on the bill of the military ministry, introduced to the State Duma of the fourth convocation, on the release of funds to the Russian military-historical society for publishing.1913-1914.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахOn vacation of funds for the issuance of benefits to the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society during 13000 rubles annually
On vacation of funds for the issuance of benefits to the Imperial Russian Military Historical Society during 1914-1916.13000 rubles annually.[SPB., 1913].