Rights, freedoms and duties of a man and a citizen
Rights, freedoms and duties of a man and a citizen
Legalization of restrictions on human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation
Minaev, Kirill Alexandrovich. Legalization of restrictions on human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation. Saratov, 2016.
Trends in the interaction of civil society and the state: the existing practice and realities of modern Russia
Mushegian, Gaik Manwell.Trends in the interaction of civil society and the state: the existing practice and realities of modern Russia.Moscow, 2008.
The right to higher education in Russia and Germany
Myshenko, Svetlana Anatolievna. The right to higher education in Russia and Germany. Irkutsk, 2015.
Constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Russia and Armenia
Nazaryan, Nara Zhoraevna
Constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Russia and Armenia.
Kolomna, 2006.
Kolomna, 2006.
Public control in the system of protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation: constitutional and legal research
Ogneva, Elena Alexandrovna. Public control in the system of protection of human rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation: constitutional legal research. Moscow, 2015.
The right and self-realization of the individual in civil society
Orlova, Olga Viktorovna
The right and self-realization of the individual in civil society. Moscow, 2010.
System of constitutional duties of citizens of the Russian Federation
Panov, Andrei Pavlovich
The system of constitutional duties of citizens of the Russian Federation.
Saratov, 2008.
Saratov, 2008.
Dissertation sample: Is administrative-legal regulation of the government in the field of social protection of veterans of operations in the Russian Federation ...
Sabodash, Anatoly Nikolaevich. Administrative and legal regulation of public administration in the field of social protection of veterans of military operations in the Russian Federation. Tyumen, 2015.
Realization of political rights and freedoms in modern Russia: problems and ways of optimization
Sadikov, Alexander Alexandrovich
Realization of political rights and freedoms in modern Russia: problems and ways of optimization. Moscow, 2009.
Russian legislation on social security and the role of constitutional (statutory) justice in its development
Samarin, Olga Alexandrovna. Russian legislation on social security and the role of constitutional (statutory) justice in its development. Perm, 2014.