Biographical sources
Biographical sources
Russian antiquity. G. 6 1875, vol. 14, [bk. 9], September
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 6 1875, v. 14, [bk. 9], September. 1875.
G. 6 1875, v. 14, [bk. 9], September. 1875.
Russian antiquity. G. 15 1884, Vol. 41, [bk. 1-3], January-March
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 15 1884, Vol. 41, [bk. 1-3], January-March. 1884.
G. 15 1884, Vol. 41, [bk. 1-3], January-March. 1884.
Висковатов П. М. Ю. Лермонтов на Кавказе в 1840 г. С. 83-92 [ск. 95-104].
Russian antiquity. G. 15 1884, T. 44, [bk. 10-12], October-December
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 15 1884, V. 44, [bk. 10-12], October-December. 1884.
G. 15 1884, V. 44, [bk. 10-12], October-December. 1884.
Миклашевский А. М. Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов, заметки его товарища. С. 589-592 [сканы 607-610].
Russian antiquity. G. 22 1891, [T. 71, book. 8], August
Russian antiquity. G. 22 1891, [T. 71, book. 8], August.
St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.1891.
St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.1891.
Лебединец Г. С. Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов в стычках с горцами в 1840 г. С. 355-368 [сканы 155-168].
About writers
Moshin, Alexey. About writers. St. Petersburg: Izd. book. shop "Help", 1905.
Самарская ОУНБ
К рассказам о М. Ю. Лермонтове. С. 3-4 [сканы 7-8].
Recollection of the stay of M. Yu. Lermontov in the Orel Bay.
Smyslovsky, V.Vospominanie about the stay of M.Yu. Lermontov in the Oryol Gubernia. Eagle: printing house of A. A. Logunov, 1909.
Орловская ОНУПБ
M. Yu. Lermontov
Avenarius, Vasily Petrovich (1839-1923). M. Yu. Lermontov. St. Petersburg: edition of the bookstore of P. V. Lukovnikov, 1914.
Russian antiquity. G. 45 1914, T. 160, book. 10, October
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and. G. 45 1914, V. 160, book. 10, October: G. 45 1914, T. 160, book. 10, October. Petrograd: Type. P. Usova, 1914.
Мурзанов М. А. К биографии М. Ю. Лермонтова. С. 87-105 [сканы 101-119]; Нейман Б. В. Лермонтов и «Московский вестник». С. 203-205 [сканы 217-219].
Journal of the Ministry of Education. Ch. 69, June 1917
Russia. Ministry of Education. Journal of the Ministry of Education. St. Petersburg, 1803-1917.
Ch. 69, June 1917. Petrograd, 1917.
Ch. 69, June 1917. Petrograd, 1917.
РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена
Лукьянов С. М. О журнале, приписываемом М. Ю. Лермонтову. С. 248-250 [сканы 90-92].
M. Lermontov
Nikolay, Margarita Feodorovna. M. Lermontov. Pyatigorsk: Krayvedizdatelstvo, 1940.
- M. Yu. Lermontov’s portraits
M. Yu. Lermontov in childhood. Portrait of an unknown artist. 1820-1822
M. Yu. Lermontov in childhood. Portrait of an unknown artist. 1820-1822Lermontov.Self-portrait, 1837
Lermontov.Self-portrait, 1837Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841).Self-portrait.1837-1838.Watercolor on paper.108h94.State Literature Museum
Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841).Self-portrait.1837-1838.Watercolor on paper.108h94.State Literature Museum.Lermontov
Ефремов П. А. Портреты Лермонтова; Костенецкий Я. И. Воспоминание о Лермонтове. (Воспоминания о поэте его современника.) С. 60-69 [сканы 66-75].