Working people
Working people
Russian workers in Prussia. Issue. 2. Extract from the reports of Russian consuls in Germany
Russian workers in Prussia. St. Petersburg: printing house of V. Kirschbaum, 1896-1901.
Вып. 2: Extract from the reports of Russian consuls in Germany. 1901.
Вып. 2: Extract from the reports of Russian consuls in Germany. 1901.
The life of a baker before and now
The baker's life before and now.
Moscow: Profizdat, 1937.
Moscow: Profizdat, 1937.
Proceedings of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Proceedings of the Historical and Archaeographic Institute. T. 11. Fortress Manufactory in Russia
Institute of History (Moscow). Proceedings of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1930-1940; Leningrad.
T. 11: Fortress Manufactory in Russia. 1934.
T. 11: Fortress Manufactory in Russia. 1934.
Morality and way of life of the proletariat in the transition period
Yaroslavsky, Emelyan Mikhailovich
The morals and way of life of the proletariat in the transition period.
Leningrad: Working Publishing House "Priboy", 1926.
Leningrad: Working Publishing House "Priboy", 1926.