Church and secular literature
Church and secular literature
Semiolinguistic Aspects of the Orthodox and Catholic Life of the Discourse of the 11th-17th Centuries
Averyanova, Ekaterina Viktorovna (Doctor of Philology). Semiolingvisticheskie aspects of the Orthodox and Catholic hagiographic discourse of the XI - XVII centuries. Tyumen, 2014.
Semantics and functions of verbs in the life of Alexander Nevsky
Baturin, Tatiana Mikhailovna (Candidate of Philology). Semantics and functions of verbs in the life of Alexander Nevsky. Volgograd, 2010.
Dynamic processes in the related lists of the Minecraft Triumphant of the 15th century
Belous, Anastasia Alexandrovna (candidate of philological sciences). Dynamic processes in the related lists of the Minecraft Torch of the XV century. Tomsk, 2009.
Historical and Philological Research on the Suprasl Manuscript
Bem, Alfred Ludwigovich (1886 - 1945). Historical and philological study of the Suprasl manuscript. Voronezh: in the printing house of V. Goldstein, 1869.
The spiritual grand duke Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh to his children, named in the annals of the Suzdalian Discipline
Vladimir Monomakh (Grand Duke of Kiev, 1053-1125).
Spiritual Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh to his children, named in the annals of the Suzdal Reprimand. Category: Sankt Petersburg. Corps of foreign coreligionists, 1793.
A word about Igor's regiment
Vyazemsky, Pavel Petrovich (1820-1888).
A word about the shelf of Igor.
St. Petersburg: Type. and chromolite. A. Tranchelya, 1877.
St. Petersburg: Type. and chromolite. A. Tranchelya, 1877.
Notes on the Lay of Igor's Host
Golovin, Nikolai Gavrilovich (-1865).
Notes on the Word about the regiment of Igor.
Moscow: To the type. S. Selivanovsky, 1846.
Moscow: To the type. S. Selivanovsky, 1846.
Spiritual Testament of the Bishop of Voronezh Mitrofan
The Spiritual Testament of the Bishop of Voronezh Mitrofan.
НБ Респ. Карелия
Observations in the Syntax of the Laurentian List of the Chronicle
Karsky, Evfimiy Fedorovich. Observations in the field of syntax of the Laurentian list of the annals. Leningrad: Publishing house of Acad. Sciences of the USSR, 1929.