Black Sea basin
Black Sea basin
List of ancient maps of the Black Sea
Bagrov, Lev Semenovich (1881-1957).
List of ancient maps of the Black Sea. Petrograd: Type. T-va p. F. "El-type N. Ya. Stoykova," 1914.
Influence of land and sea communications on the colonization and development of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus
Vereshchagin, Arseny Vasilyevich
Influence of land and sea communications on the colonization and development of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.
St. Petersburg: Type. t-va "The public benefit", 1885.
St. Petersburg: Type. t-va "The public benefit", 1885.
The military operations of the Russian rowing fleet, under the command of Vice Admiral Bredal on the Sea of Azov in 1736, 1737 and 1738
Viskovatov, Alexander Vasilyevich (1804-1858).
Military operations of the Russian rowing fleet, under the command of Vice Admiral Bredal on the Sea of Azov in 1736, 1737 and 1738.
Sankt-Petersburg: In the type. N. Grech, 1830.
Sankt-Petersburg: In the type. N. Grech, 1830.
The history of Sevastopol as a Russian port
Golovachev, Victor Filippovich (1821-1904). The history of Sevastopol as a Russian port. St. Petersburg: publication of the Sevastopol department at the Polytechnic Exhibition, 1872.
The tasks of the Russian army. T. 2. The tasks of the army, not related to Russian national policy
Kuropatkin, Alexey Nikolaevich (1848-1925).
The tasks of the Russian army. The tasks of the army, not related to Russian national policy.
St. Petersburg: type. V. Bezobrazov and Co., 1910. 1910.
St. Petersburg: type. V. Bezobrazov and Co., 1910. 1910.
A short historical essay on the hydrography of the Russian seas. Black and Azov Seas
A short historical essay on the hydrography of the Russian seas. St. Petersburg: printing house of the Naval Ministry, 1896-1916.
Kryzhanovsky, Alexander Ivanovich. Part 4: Black and Azov Seas. Petrograd, 1916.
Kryzhanovsky, Alexander Ivanovich. Part 4: Black and Azov Seas. Petrograd, 1916.
Dardanelles, Bosporus and the Black Sea in the XVIII century. Essays on the diplomatic history of the Eastern question. Op. Mr. Ulyanitsky. M. 1883, 8 °, p. 451 + Appendix pp. CCLX
Martens, Fedor Fedorovich (1845-1909).
Dardanelles, Bosporus and the Black Sea in the XVIII century. Essays on the diplomatic history of the Eastern question. Op. Mr. Ulyanitsky. M. 1883, 8 °, p. 451 + Appendix pp. CCLX.
[St. Petersburg]: type. Imp. Acad. sciences, qualifications. 1886.
[St. Petersburg]: type. Imp. Acad. sciences, qualifications. 1886.
On the establishment of the post of the guard of the Sochi lighthouse
Russia. Department of Laws. On the establishment of the post of the caretaker of the Sochi lighthouse. 1891.
Значение Босфора для России (с. 500-526)