Elizabeth Alexeyevna (1779–1826)
- Biography
Memories of the Empress Elisaveta Alexeevna with a brief outline of her life
Glinka, Sergei Nikolaevich (1776-1847). Memories of the Empress Elisaveta Alexeevna with a brief outline of her life. Moscow: Type. N. Stepanova at the Imp. Theater, 1827.Features from life and death of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, depicting her inimitable virtues, firmness of spirit, gentleness, humility, mercy and all those soulful qualities that put her on the line with the greatest of the queen of the earth
Features from life and death of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, depicting her inimitable virtues, firmness of spirit, gentleness, humility, mercy and all those spiritual qualities that put her on the line with the greatest of the queen of the earth.
Moscow: In the printing house of N. Stepanov at the Imperial Theater, 1827.Spirit of crowned spouses, in the Bose, resting Emperor Alexander I and Empress Elizabeth. Part 1
Danilevsky, Nikolay Spirit of crowned spouses, in the Bose, resting Emperor Alexander I and Empress Elizabeth. Part 1. Moscow: The book seller Vasily Loginov, 1828 - 1829. 1828.Spirit of crowned spouses, in the Bose, resting Emperor Alexander I and Empress Elizabeth. Part 2
Danilevsky, Nikolay Spirit of crowned spouses, in the Bose, resting Emperor Alexander I and Empress Elizabeth. Part 2. Moscow: The book seller Vasily Loginov, 1828 - 1829.: In the printing house of Semyon Selivanovsky, 1829.Spirit of crowned spouses, in the Bose, resting Emperor Alexander I and Empress Elizabeth. Part 3, Division 1
Danilevsky, Nikolay Spirit of crowned spouses, in the Bose, resting Emperor Alexander I and Empress Elizabeth. Part 3, Division 1. Moscow: The book seller Vasily Loginov, 1828 - 1829.: The printing house of Semen Selivanovsky, 1829.Russian portraits of the XVIII and XIX centuries. T. 1, vol. 1
Russian portraits of the XVIII and XIX centuries. T. 1, vol. 1. St. Petersburg: Expedition of procurement of state. papers: the edition of the Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich, 1905-1909. 1905.Russian portraits of the XVIII and XIX centuries. T. 2, ed. 4
Russian portraits of the XVIII and XIX centuries. T. 2, ed. 4.
St. Petersburg: Expedition of procurement of state. papers: the edition of the Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich, 1905-1909. 1906.Сканы 7, 8, 11
Russian portraits of the XVIII and XIX centuries. Vol. 4, no. 1
Russian portraits of the XVIII and XIX centuries. Vol. 4, no. 1. St. Petersburg: Expedition of procurement of state. papers: the edition of the Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich, 1905-1909. 1908.Скан 26, 74
The Empress Elisaveta Alexeevna, the wife of Emperor Alexander I. T. 1
Nikolai Mikhailovich. led. Prince. 1859-1919. Empress Elisaveta Alekseevna, the wife of Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg: Expedition zagot. state. securities.
T. 1. 1908.Empress Elisaveta Alekseevna, spouse of Emperor Alexander I. T. 2
Nikolai Mikhailovich. Grand Duke. 1859-1919. Empress Elisaveta Alekseevna, spouse of Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg: Expedition of preparing state papers, 1908-1909.
T. 2. 1909.Empress Elisaveta Alekseevna, spouse of Emperor Alexander I. So 3
Nikolai Mikhailovich. Grand Duke. 1859-1919. Empress Elisaveta Alekseevna, spouse of Emperor Alexander I. St. Petersburg: Expedition of preparing state papers, 1908-1909.
T. 3. 1909.Russian antiquity. G. 41 1910, T. 141, book. 1, January
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and. G. 41 of 1910, T. 141, book. 1, January: G. 41 1910, T. 141, book. 1, January. 1910.Тимощук В. В. Императрица Елисавета Алексеевна, супруга Императора Александра I (сканы 246–252)
Russian antiquity. G. 41 1910, T. 141, book. 2, February
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 41 1910, T. 141, book. 2, February: G. 41 1910, Т. 141, кн. 2, February. 1910.Тимощук В. В. Императрица Елисавета Алексеевна, супруга Императора Александра I (сканы 87–102)
Русская старина. Г. 41 1910, Т. 141, кн. 3, март
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and. G. 41 of 1910, T. 141, book. 3, March: G. 41 1910, Т. 141, кн. 3, March. 1910.Тимощук В. В. Императрица Елисавета Алексеевна, супруга Императора Александра I: (Великий князь Николай Михайлович. Императрица Елисавета Алексеевна, супруга Императора Александра I. Т. 2. СПб., 1909) (сканы 44–59)
Russian antiquity. G. 41 1910, T. 142, book. 4, April
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and. G. 41 of 1910, V. 142, book. 4, April: G. 41 1910, Т. 142, кн. 4, April. 1910.Тимощук В. В. Императрица Елисавета Алексеевна, супруга Императора Александра I: (Великий князь Николай Михайлович. Императрица Елисавета Алексеевна, супруга Императора Александра I. Т. 2. СПб., 1909) (сканы 171–188)
Russian antiquity. G. 41 1910, T. 142, book. 5, May
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 41 1910, V. 142, book. 5, May: G. 41 1910, Т. 142, кн. 5, May. 1910.Тимощук В. В. Императрица Елисавета Алексеевна, супруга Императора Александра I: (Великий князь Николай Михайлович. Императрица Елисавета Алексеевна, супруга Императора Александра I. Т. 3. СПб., 1909) (сканы 95–114)
Russian antiquity. G. 41 1910, T. 144, book. 11, November
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg: B. and. G. 41 of 1910, V. 144, book. 11, November: G. 41 1910, T. 144, book. 11, November. 1910.Тимощук В. В. Императрица Елисавета Алексеевна, супруга Императора Александра I: (Великий князь Николай Михайлович. "Императрица Елисавета Алексеевна, супруга Императора Александра I". Т. 3. СПб., 1909) (сканы 78–91)
The case of the departure of the chief director Naryshkin on a voyage to foreign lands with Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna and the assignment of his position to the vice director Prince Tyufyakin
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA.
The case is about the departure of the chief director Naryshkin on a voyage to foreign lands with Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna and about the assignment of his position to the vice director Prince Tyufyakin.The relations of the chief director of his departure to the voyage and on the instructions of the management of theaters Vice-Director Prince Tiffyakin
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MIDV.The relations of the chief director of his departure to the voyage and on behalf of the management of theaters by Vice-Director Prince Tiffyakin.- The book of attendance of Alexander Pavlovich and Elizabeth Alexeyevna
The journal of the presence of His Imperial Highness the Emperor Grand Duke the heir and Tsesarevich Alexander Pavlovich and the wife of His Majesty Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alekseyevna in Pavlovsky and Gatchina, in August and September 1798
The journal of the presence of His Imperial Highness the Emperor Grand Duke the heir and Tsesarevich Alexander Pavlovich and the wife of His Majesty Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alekseevna in Pavlovsky and Gatchina, in August and September 1798.
St. Petersburg: Type. Heads. Exercise. udelov, 1898.Addition to the camera of the highest courtyard.1798 year.The magazine of the presence of his imperial highness of the sovereign of the Grand Duke of the Heir and Cesarevich Alexander Pavlovich and his spouses of His Great Princess Elizabeth Alekseevna to the city
Addition to the camera of the highest courtyard.1798 year.The magazine of the presence of his imperial highness of the sovereign of the Grand Prince Heir and Cesarevich Alexander Pavlovich and the spouses of His sovereign of the Great Princess Elizabeth Alekseevna in the city of Pavlovsky and in Gatchina in August and September 1798.S. Petersburg: Typography of the Main Department of the Details, 1898.
- Charity
Imperial philanthropic society. The Imperial Philanthropic Society. Highest approved by the handwritten signature of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna Charter of the estate for the charity of the underage poor
Imperial philanthropic society.
Russia. Imperial philanthropic society. Highest approved by the handwritten signature of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna Charter of the estate for the charity of the underage poor. 1816.- Women’s Patriotic Society
Imperial philanthropic society. The Imperial Philanthropic Society. Rescript of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna addressed to Prince AN. Golitsyna about the St. Petersburg Women's Patriotic Society
Imperial philanthropic society.
Russia. Imperial philanthropic society. Rescript of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna addressed to Prince AN. Golitsyna about the St. Petersburg Women's Patriotic Society. 1816.The case of the contribution of the female patriotic society from the department of the imperial personification society
Imperial human-loving society.The case of the contribution of the female patriotic society from the department of the imperial human-loving society.Imperial philanthropic society. The Imperial Philanthropic Society. Rescript of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich addressed to Prince Alexander Nikolayevich Golitsyn that the St. Petersburg Patriotic Women's Society will be
Imperial philanthropic society.
Russia. Imperial philanthropic society. Rescript of the Emperor Alexander Pavlovich addressed to Prince Alexander Nikolayevich Golitsyn that the St. Petersburg Patriotic Women's Society will be in the direct jurisdiction of the empress's empress. 1816.The case in the attitude of the St. Petersburg Military Governor's Military General about the addition of arrears listened to the House of Women's Patriotic Society
Department of the Police of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs.The case in relation to the St. Petersburg military general governor about the addition of arrears listed on the house of the female patriotic society.The case, in relation to Her Majesty, Empress Elizavete Alekseevna, a valid Stat adviser Longinov, about awarding Professor of the Academy of Arts, Architect, the College Advisor Alexei Mikhailov, for building a building
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case in relation to Her Majesty of the Soviet Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, the actual Stat adviser Longinov, about awarding Professor of the Academy of Arts, Architect, the College Counselor Alexei Mikhailov, for the construction of the building of the female patriotic society.The case on the appointment of the performance in favor of the female patriotic society
Directorate of Imperial Theaters MIDV.The case on the appointment of the performance in favor of the female patriotic society.On the publication of the new Charter and the state of the female patriotic society
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).On the publication of the new charter and the state of the female patriotic society.Упоминание Елизаветы Алексеевны (скан 6)
- Correspondence
Letter from Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna
BENKENDORFI. ALOPEUSES. Shuvalov. Letter from Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna. 1814.Russian archive.G. 44 1906, [CN.thirteen
Russian archive.Moscow: University Typography (rinks and to °), 1863-1917.G. 44 1906, [CN.1], 3. 1906.Письма императрицы Елисаветы Алексеевны к графу Витгенштейну и его супруге. 1812-1821 (сканы 12–23).
Letters from Empress Elizabeth Alekseyevna to N.M. Karamzin
Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766-1826), writer, historian. Film Karamzin, Nikolay Mikhailovich (1766-1826). Letters from Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna to NM Karamzin.Russian archive.[G.26] 1888, [book.3], 12
Russian archive.Moscow: University printing house (Katkov and Co.), 1863-1917.[G.26] 1888, [book.3], 12. 1888.Письма императрицы Елисаветы Алексеевны к Р.С. Стурдзе (графине Эдлинг) (сканы 88–91)
- Final months of life, death and funeral
Documents relating to the last months of life and the death in the Bose of the reposed sovereign of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, left after the death of the wagon master General of the General Staff Afanasy Danilovich Solomko, who was attached to the pers
Documents relating to the last months of life and the death in the Bose of the reposed sovereign of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, left after the death of the wagon master General of the General Staff Afanasy Danilovich Solomko, who was attached to the person of the sovereign without interruption for 11 years - from 1814 to 1825, and several letters relating to funeral in the Bose resting Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna.
St. Petersburg: Printing house of the Naval Ministry, 1910.Russian archive.G. 42. 1904. KN.eleven
Russian archive.Moscow, 1863-1917, 1990-.G. 42. 1904. KN.1. 1. 1904.Два рассказа современников о кончине императрицы Елисаветы Алексеевны (сканы 84–86)
Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахLetters of Catherine Petrovna Valuva Empress Maria Fedorovna about the state of health of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna and about the death of Alexander I
Valuev Petr Alexandrovich, Graf (1814-1890).Interior Minister, Minister of State Protection, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, Member of the State Council.Letters of Ekaterina Petrovna Valuvan Empress Maria Fedorovna about the state of health of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna and about the death of Alexander I.Contributes of the adjutant General P. M. Volkonsky on the consequences of the Corger with the body of the Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna
Volkonsky, light princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), General Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Ducks;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), gofmaster;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), Trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg educational districts;Peter Grigorievich (1843-1896), Shadmäster;Peter Dmitrievich (r. 1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.Contributes of the adjutant General P. M. Volkonsky on the consequences of the Corge with the body of the Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna.The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs for recovery from the titular counselor of Dzybin 200 rubles used on the maintenance of horses exhibited in 1826 for travel in the Bose of the Wearing Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna
Department of the Police of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs.The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs for recovery from the titular adviser to Dzibin 200 rubles used on the maintenance of horses exhibited in 1826 for travel in the Bose of the Wearing Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna.The protocols of the opening of the bodies of Alexander I and the Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna
Volkonsky, light princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), General Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Ducks;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), gofmaster;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), Trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg educational districts;Peter Grigorievich (1843-1896), Shadmäster;Peter Dmitrievich (r. 1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.The protocols of opening the bodies of Alexander I and the Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna.About the highest approved ceremonials on the occasion of death and burial in the bose imprisoned Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna
State Chancellery of the State Council.About the highest approved ceremonials on the occasion of death and burial in the bose of the improving Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna.The ceremonies of the highest imperial Majesty approved candidated for the reference and burial of the body in the Bose, who spells the sovereign of Emperor Alexander First and Soviet Elizabeth Alekseevna
Department of the Police of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs.The ceremonies of the highest imperial Majesty approved for the reference and burial of the body in the Bose, which is holding the sovereign of Emperor Alexander the first and sovereign Elizabeth Alekseevna.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe word, in the presence of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Maria Feodorovna, at the grave of the blessed memory of Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna, at the Mozhaisk Nikolaevsky Cathedral, spoken by the Synodal member Filaret, Archbishop of Moscow, May 26, 1826
Filaret (Drozdov, Vasily Mikhailovich, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, 1782-1867). The word, in the presence of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Maria Feodorovna, at the grave of the blessed memory of Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna, at the Mozhaisk Nikolaevsky Cathedral, spoken by the Synodal member Filaret, Archbishop of Moscow, May 26, 1826. Moscow: In the Synodal Printing House, 1826.The case of Touré in Her Majesty Elizabeth Alekseevna
Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment.The case of Thura in Her Majesty Elizabeth Alekseevna.Feelings of a Moscow resident on the occasion of the sad news about the death of Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna
Glinka, Sergei Nikolaevich (1776-1847). Feelings of a Moscow resident on the occasion of the sad news about the death of Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna.
Moscow: the type. A. Semen, 1826. - Commendations
Idle by the imperial Majesta, the autocrat of the All-Russian Catherine, which was concluded on the occasion of joining the compulsory-Polish to the Russian Empire regions, and on the all-raising collapse of his imperial highness of the Grand Duke Alexander
Heraskov, Mikhail Matveyevich (1733-1807).Oda Emperor Majesty, the autocrat of the All-Russian Catherine the second, concluded on the occasion of joining the compulsory-Polish regions to the Russian Empire, and on the all-time engagement of his imperial highness of the Grand Duke Alexander Pavlovich with the Great Prince Elisvet Alekseevna.1793, May Day.Moscow: in university printing house, V. Okorokova, 1793.A word on the high-crowning day of the coronation and holy chrismation of His Majesty, the pious Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, the autocrat of the All-Russian and his wife, the pious Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, speaking to the ordained priest and preachi
Evgraf (Muzalevsky-Platonov, Euthymius, c.1768-1809). A word on the high-crowning day of the coronation and holy chrismation of His Majesty, the pious Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, the autocrat of the All-Russian and his wife, the pious Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, speaking to the ordained priest and preaching the word of God, and rectifying the post of rector of the Alexander Nevsky Academy, Moscow diocese , Volokolamsky Joseph Monastery Archimandrite, Trinity Sergius Lavra Seminary Rector Evgraf, in St. Petersburg the Kazan Cathedral, 1808 year. In St. Petersburg: Under the Holy...Words spoken at the Moscow Great Assumption Cathedral: 1. On the birthday of His Majesty the Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, 2. On the birthday of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna Alexeevna Moscow first-class C
Ambrose (Rozhdestvensky, Alexei Ivanovich (Archimandrite of the Don monastery), 1767-1825). Words spoken at the Moscow Great Assumption Cathedral: 1. On the birthday of His Majesty the Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, 2. On the birthday of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Elizabeth Alexeevna Moscow first-class Stavropigial Don monastery Archimandrite Amvrosiy. Moscow: Synod. type., 1817. - Dedication
Celebration of Belograd Muz
Celebration of Belograd Muses.Moscow: In the provincial printing house, A. Reshetnikova, 1801.Emperor Alexander in Riga. 24th, 25th and 26th May 1802
Emperor Alexander in Riga. 24th, 25th and 26th May 1802. In St. Petersburg: under the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1802.Suvorov's historical laudatory word, or Lavra of the Generalissimo of Prince Italica and Count Rymniki
Suvorov's historical laudatory word, or Lavra of the Generalissimo of Prince Italica and Count Rymniki. St. Petersburg: Imp. acad. Sciences, 1810.Hypermnetra
Viskovatov, Stepan Ivanovich (1786-1831).Ipermnetra.In St. Petersburg: printed in the printing house of F. Drehsler, 1812.Experience of general rules poems
Cerevyev, Nikolai Andreevich (1790-1869).The experience of the general rules of the poem.St. Petersburg: in the printing house N. Grech, 1820.The all-pending petition of the retired Guard Lieutenant I. I. Lazhechnikov on October 30, 1820, authorizing him to devote his "Marching Memoirs of a Russian Officer" imp. Elizaveta Alexeevna
The all-pending petition of the retired Guard Lieutenant I. I. Lazhechnikov on October 30, 1820, authorizing him to devote his "Marching Memoirs of a Russian Officer" imp. Elizabeth Alekseevne.
1820.Opinions on the difference between the Eastern and Western churches, with a history of their division, presented to Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod, Prince A. N. Golitsyn
Opinions on the difference between the eastern and western church, with a history of their division, presented to Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, the Chief Procurator of the Holy Synod, Prince A. N. Golitsyn. Moscow: Publication of the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University, 1870. - Visual materials and maps
Lithographs with portraits of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna and Napoleon I
Taube Mikhail Alexandrovich, Baron, Genealogue, Lawyer, Vice-Director of the Second Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Comrade Minister of Folk Enlightenment.Lithographs with portraits of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna and Napoleon I.L.-E. Vige-Lebrun. Portrait of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alekseevny. Sketch. 1795-1798. Canvas, oil
L.-E. Vige-Lebrun. Portrait of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Alekseevny. Sketch. 1795-1798. Canvas, oil.Emperor Alexander I. Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna
Emperor Alexander I. Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna.Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Foundation Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Facade and plan of a peasant house at the behest of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, department of Tsarskoselsky in the village of Aleksandrovka in St. Petersburg province
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Russia. Ministry of the Interior. Technical and Construction Committee. The facade and the plan of the peasant house at the behest of Empress Elizabeth Alekseyevna, the department of Tsarskoselsky in the village of Aleksandrovka in the St. Petersburg province.
сканы 31–33