Elections to the Constituent Assembly
Elections to the Constituent Assembly
- Sources
- General section
Alphabetical list of members of the Constituent Assembly
The Chancery of the Tauride Palace.
Alphabetical list of members of the Constituent Assembly.All-Russian Constituent Assembly
All-Russian Constituent Assembly. Moscow: State Publishing House, 1930; Leningrad.Izvestia No. 1-20 of the All-Russian Election Commission for Elections to the Constituent Assembly of the Commission
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Izvestia No. 1-20 of the All-Russian Elections in the Constituent Assembly of the Commission.Lists of candidates to the Constituent Assembly from different parties in electoral districts
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Lists of candidates to the Constituent Assembly from different parties in electoral districts.A note compiled by the Director of the Central Statistical Committee on the number and composition of voters in the Constituent Assembly
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Information compiled by the director of the Central Statistical Committee on the number and composition of voters in the Constituent Assembly. - Legislation
Instructions on the procedure for elections in the navy and the army, information on the timing of elections in the districts, zemstvos. Lists of members of the All-Russia Election Commission for the Constituent Assembly of the Commission
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Instructions on the procedure for elections in the navy and the army, information on the timing of elections in the districts, zemstvos. Lists of members of the All-Russian Elections in the Constituent Assembly of the Commission.Instructions on the application of the Election and Punishments Regulations
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Instructions on the application of the Regulations on Elections and the Order.Regulations on elections to the Constituent Assembly
The store, Yakov Mironovich (1882-1961). Regulations on elections to the Constituent Assembly. Petrograd: the publication of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies, 1917.Decree of the Provisional Government on the appointment of a term for elections and the convocation of a Constituent Assembly, on the issue of the number of members of the Constituent Assembly, on the time of drawing up and announcing the electoral lists,
All-Russian election commission for the Constituent Assembly (All-election).
Decree of the Provisional Government on the appointment of the term of elections and convocation of the Constituent Assembly, on the issue of the number of members of the Constituent Assembly, on the time of drawing up and announcing the electoral lists, on approving the instructions for the section. - Mandates, propaganda and political parties’ programs
How to elect deputies to the Constituent Assembly
How to elect deputies to the Constituent Assembly. Odessa: A. A. Ivasenko's firm "Odessa News", 1917.To workers, soldiers and all citizens of Petrograd
To the workers, soldiers and all citizens of Petrograd. [1917].To the Constituent Assembly
To the Constituent Assembly. [1917].Our candidates for the Constituent Assembly. SP Melgunov
Kudryavtsev, VM Nashi candidates for the Constituent Assembly. S. P. Melgunov. [Moscow: b. and., 1917].In the elections to the Constituent Assembly, vote for the list of Social Democrats of the Mensheviks. Execute the civil debt
In the elections to the Constituent Assembly, vote for the list of Social Democrats of the Mensheviks. Perform a civil duty. [1917].The peasants' orders to the delegates of the Constituent Assembly
The Chancery of the Tauride Palace. Film The orders of peasants to the delegates of the Constituent Assembly.The orders of soldiers and peasants to the deputies of the Constituent Assembly
The Chancery of the Tauride Palace. Film The orders of soldiers and peasants to the deputies of the Constituent Assembly.Programs of Russian political parties
Programs of Russian political parties. [Petrograd]: Petrograd publishing house, 1917.Constituent Assembly and political parties
Serafimovich, Alexander Serafimovich, (1863-1949). Constituent Assembly and political parties. Moscow: Otd. Izd-va and Prince. warehouse, 1917.
- Literature
What is the Constituent Assembly?
Anosov, Ark. What is the Constituent Assembly ?. Moscow: The New World, 1917.What do you need to know for each voter?
Boltyansky, G.What each voter needs to know. Petrograd: The Book, [1917].Constituent Assembly and proportional elections
Vishnyak, Mark Veniaminovich (1883-1977). Constituent Assembly and proportional elections. Petrograd: Typography of the Central Committee of the Party of Socialist-Revolutionaries, 1917.What system should be adopted to elect a constituent assembly
Vodovozov, Vasily Vasilyevich (1864-1933). Which system should be adopted to elect a constituent assembly. Petrograd: Land and Labor, 1917.Universal suffrage
Volkenstein, Olga Akimovna (1871-1942). Universal suffrage. Petrograd: The Book, [1917].Russian constituent assembly and elections thereto
Hessen, Vladimir Matveyevich (1868-1920). Russian constituent assembly and elections in it. Petrograd: Type. acc. Society. "The Word", 1917.The Electoral Law in the Constituent Assembly
Dobranitsky, Mieczyslaw Mihajlovich (1882-1937). Electoral law in the Constituent Assembly. Petrograd: The Book, [1917].Direct and secret elections to the Constituent Assembly
Zvyagintsev, Evgeny Alekseevich (1869-1945). Direct and secret elections to the Constituent Assembly. Moscow: Publishing house of Zh. "The People's Teacher", 1917.To the history of the Constituent Assembly
Rubinshtein, Nikolai Leonidovich (historian, 1897-1963). To the history of the Constituent Assembly. Moscow: State Social and Economic Publishing House, 1931; Leningrad.Participation of socialist parties in elections to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly
Mokeev, Anton Borisovich Participation of socialist parties in elections to the All-Russian Constituent Assembly.
St. Petersburg, 2010.Electoral law in the Constituent Assembly in a popular presentation
Svyatitsky, Nikolay Vladimirovich (1886-1937). Electoral law in the Constituent Assembly in a popular presentation. Petrograd: Publishing Association "Revolutionary Thought", 1917.Articles by Professor NI Lazarevsky "Proportional Elections" and L. V. Keller "Proportional representation on the basis of universal, equal, direct and secret ballot"
A special meeting for the drafting of the Regulations on Elections to the Constituent Assembly.
Articles of Professor NI Lazarevsky "Proportional elections" and L. V. Keller "Proportional representation on the basis of universal, equal, direct and secret ballot".Fundamentals of suffrage
Yashunsky, Iosif Vladimirovich (1881-1943). Fundamentals of suffrage. Petrograd: Petrograd publishing house, 1917.