Essential works
Essential works
Synodal institutions of former times
Barsov, Timofey Vasilyevich (1836-1904). Synodal institutions of former times. St. Petersburg: Skoroportnina and lithograph of IF Pukhir, 1897.
Synodal institutions of the present time. Issue. 1. Moscow St. CINODA office
Barsov, Timofey Vasilyevich (1836-1904). Synodal institutions of the present time. St. Petersburg: the printing house of AP Lopukhin, 1899.
Issue. 1: Moscow St. CINODA office. 1899.
Issue. 1: Moscow St. CINODA office. 1899.
Collections of the presidential library.Series "Electronic Archive".Ext.8: Holy Government Synod in the history and culture of Russia.To the 300th anniversary of the adoption of spiritual regulations: a collection of scientific works / [scientific.Ed.: S.L.Firsov, P.E.Bukharkin]
Collections of the presidential library.Series "Electronic Archive".Ext.8: Holy Government Synod in the history and culture of Russia.To the 300th anniversary of the adoption of spiritual regulations: a collection of scientific works / [scientific.Ed.: S.L.Firsov, P.E.Bukharkin].2023.
Place and time: from the history of the ensemble of buildings of the Senate and Synod
Place and time: from the history of the ensemble of buildings of the Senate and Synod. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2015.
- Materials of the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference “The Most Holy Synod in the history of Russian statehood”
Elements of secular culture among the clergy in the first decades of the Synodal era
Zakrzhevsky, Alexander Gennadievich. Elements of secular culture among the clergy in the first decades of the Synodal era. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.Society and brotherhood of sobriety under the Orthodox churches of St. Petersburg (1907-1914).
Zarembo, Natalia Gennadievna (candidate of historical sciences). Society and brotherhood of sobriety under the Orthodox churches of St. Petersburg (1907-1914 gg.). St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.Orthodox brotherhoods and right-monarchism in the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century
Ivakin, Grigory Anatolievich. Orthodox brotherhoods and right-monarchism in the Russian Empire in the early twentieth century. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.Nikolai Neplyuyev's labor brotherhood in Russia in the late XIX-early XX centuries
Ignatovich, Natalia Dmitrievna. Labor brotherhood of Nikolai Neplyuyev in Russia in the late XIX - early XX centuries. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.The role of the Holy Synod in the organization of parochial schools in Russia
Kalinina, Elena Aleksandrovna (candidate of historical sciences). The role of the Holy Synod in the organization of parochial schools in Russia. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian general-gubenator about the city of Odessa identified by hydrotechnics of the 9th class von der Flies
Konovalov, Vasily Afanasyevich. Revival of the sacred object: to the 115th anniversary of the consecration of the mosaic panel "Jesus Blessing the Children" on the building of SPbGIKIT. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.Interaction of the Holy Synod and the St. Petersburg Department of the Society for Lovers of Spiritual Enlightenment in Interfaith Dialogues of the 1870s.
Kopylova, Elena Anatolievna. Interaction of the Holy Synod and the St. Petersburg Department of the Society of Lovers of Spiritual Education in Interfaith Dialogues of the 1870s. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.The marriage law of the Russian Orthodox Church, relating to marriages between relatives
Sakharov, Igor Vasilyevich (1932-). The marriage law of the Russian Orthodox Church, relating to marriages between relatives. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.The role of the Holy Synod in the development of theological science
Sukhova, Natalia Yurievna (1963-). The role of the Holy Synod in the development of theological science. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.The Most Holy Government Synod in the era of KP Pobedonostsev
Firsov, Sergei Lvovich (doctor of historical sciences, 1967-). The Most Holy Government Synod in the epoch of KP Pobedonostsev. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.The Orthodox Orthodoxy Project of the Western Rite Yu. J. Overbeck and the Holy Synod
Chumichev, Alexey Alexeevich. The project of the Orthodoxy of the Western Rite Yu.J. Overbeck and the Holy Synod. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.Relations between the Russian monasticism of Athos and the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society
Shkarovsky, Mikhail Vitalievich (1961 -). Connections of the Russian monasticism of Athos and the Imperial Orthodox Palestinian Society. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2016.