Russian society in 1812
Russian society in 1812
- Militia
- Saint-Petersburg Governorate
A proclamation pronounced by Metropolitan Ambrose of Novgorod and St. Petersburg before the soldiers of the St. Petersburg militia in the Kazan Cathedral (Petersburg) on June 17, 1812, in the presence of the Emperor. Alexander I.
A proclamation pronounced by Metropolitan Ambrose of Novgorod and St. Petersburg before the soldiers of the St. Petersburg militia in the Kazan Cathedral (Petersburg) on June 17, 1812, in the presence of the Emperor. Alexander I ..
1812.The Case of the Closing of the St. Petersburg Hosting and Economic Committees
Russia. Department of Police Executive. The case of the closure of the Organizing and Economic Committees of the St. Petersburg militia. 1812.The case of the composition of the militia in the St. Petersburg province
Russia. Department of Police Executive The case of the composition of the militia in the St. Petersburg province.
1812.The case of the final orders of the Internal Militia Committee
Russia. Department of Police Executive The case of the final orders of the Internal Militia Committee.
1812.Note by the Chancellery of the Economic Committee of the St. Petersburg temporary militia about donations received on August 15, 1812.
Note by the Chancellery of the Economic Committee of the St. Petersburg Provisional Militia about donations received on August 15, 1812.
1812.Announcement of August 9, 1812 in the Economic Department of the Committee of the St. Petersburg militia on granting the landlord St. Petersburg Gubernia. Art. owls. S. V. Shkurin, salaries to peasant militias equipped with them
Announcement of August 9, 1812 in the Economic Department of the Committee of the St. Petersburg militia on granting the landlord St. Petersburg Gubernia. Art. owls. S. V. Shkurin salaries of militia-peasants, equipped them.
1812.Definition of St. Ex. Synod of November 11, 1812 on the delivery of donations Solovetsky Monastery 5 thousand rubles and 2 poods of silver in the St. Petersburg Internal Affairs Committee
Definition of St. Ex. Synod of November 11, 1812 on the delivery of donations Solovetsky Monastery 5 thousand rubles and 2 poods of silver in the St. Petersburg Internal Interior Committee.
1812.Definition of St. Ex. Synod of July 29, 1812 on permission to enter the militia pupils of the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, as well as students of county and parish schools in the St. Petersburg District
Definition of St. Ex. Synod of July 29, 1812 on permission to enter the militia students of the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, as well as students of county and parish schools in the St. Petersburg district.
1812.Order of the Chief Procurator of St. Pr. Synod of Prince. AN Golitsyn on July 21, 1812, the synod's executor with a decree to declare to the officials of the Pr. Holy Synod "to invite them to the Provisional Militia," according to the Regulations of the C
Order of the Chief Procurator of St. Pr. Synod of Prince. AN Golitsyn on July 21, 1812, the synod's executor with a decree to declare to the officials of the Pr. Holy Synod "to invite them to the Provisional Militia," according to the Regulations of the Committee of Ministers of July 15, 1812.
1812.The attitude of the Director of the Artillery Department of the War Ministry of the Baron PI Miller-Zakomelsky dated August 26, 1812 to the Chief Procurator of the Holy Governing Synod. AN Golitsynu on sending to the militia of the St. Petersburg province
The attitude of the Director of the Artillery Department of the War Ministry of the Baron PI Miller-Zakomelsky dated August 26, 1812 to the Chief Procurator of the Holy Governing Synod. AN Golitsynu on sending to the militia of the St. Petersburg province priests of the Orthodox and Lutheran faith.
1812.The attitude of the Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg Ambrose from September 3, 1812, to the Chief Procurator of the Holy Governing Synod. AN Golitsyn on sending priests to the Internal Militia
The attitude of the Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg Ambrose from September 3, 1812, to the Chief Procurator of the Holy Governing Synod. AN Golitsyn on sending priests to the Internal Militia.
1812.Attitude of the Chief Procurator of St. Pr. Synod of Prince. AN Golitsyn June 2, 1814 Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg Ambrose with a request to meet the clergy of the St. Petersburg militia at the St. Isaac's Cathedral and bring a thanksgiving
The Alexander Nevsky Lavra of the Synod.
Attitude of the Chief Procurator of St. Pr. Synod of Prince. AN Golitsyn June 2, 1814 Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg Ambrose with a request to meet the clergy of the St. Petersburg militia at the St. Isaac's Cathedral and bring a thanksgiving prayer.Letter from the Governor of the Military Ministry AI Gorchakov dated June 1, 1814 to the Chief Prosecutor of St. Pr. Synod of Prince. AN Golitsyn, asking that the St. Petersburg militia return to St. Isaac's Square
Letter from the Governor of the Military Ministry AI Gorchakov dated June 1, 1814 to the Chief Prosecutor of St. Pr. Synod of Prince. AN Golitsynu, asking him to meet with the clergy on St. Isaac's Square returned S.-Petersburg militia.
1814.Presentation of the commander of the St. Petersburg militia, M. I. Kutuzov, July 18, 1812 for consideration in the meeting of the Committee of Ministers on the formation of the capital's militia to protect the capital and on the formation and composition
Presentation of the commander of the St. Petersburg militia MI Kutuzov on July 18, 1812 for consideration in the meeting of the Committee of Ministers on the formation of the capital's militia to protect the capital and on the formation and composition of the St. Petersburg militia.
1812.Annex to the Journal of the Committee of Ministers of October 4, 1812 on the convocation of the St. Petersburg militia
Annex to the Journal of the Committee of Ministers of October 4, 1812 on the convocation of the St. Petersburg militia.
1812.Report of the inspector of the office of the Imperial Tapestry Manufactory IV Tupilev dated July 25, 1812 to the Governor of the Cabinet of e. DA Guriev on the desire of 17 craftsmen to join the ranks of the warriors of the Provisional Militia
Report of the inspector of the office of the Imperial Tapestry Manufactory IV Tupilev dated July 25, 1812 to the Governor of the Cabinet of e. DA Guriev on the desire of 17 craftsmen to join the ranks of the warriors of the Provisional Militia.
1812. - Moscow Governorate
The list of donations provided to the Organizing Committee from July 20 to August 18, 1812
The list of donations provided to the Organizing Committee from July 20 to August 18, 1812.
1812.The all-pompous petition of the chief of the Moscow nobleman's militia, Count II Morkov, dated December 24, 1812, about his resignation
Collection: The All-Beloved Application of the Head of the Moscow Nobility Home Guard, Count II Morkov, dated December 24, 1812, about his resignation ([1812]) < / table>The most recent report of the Moscow Militia Committee on donations by the population during the period from August 18 to 25, 1812
The most recent report of the Moscow Militia Committee on donations by the population during the period from August 18 to 25, 1812.
1812.The most recent report of the Supply Committee of the Moscow Militia of July 29, 1812 on the amounts of donations from July 20 to 28, 1812, representatives of the nobility, merchants, clergy and raznochintsy
The most recent report of the Committee on Supply of the Moscow Militia of July 29, 1812, on the amounts of donations from July 20 to 28, 1812, representatives of the nobility, merchants, clergy and raznochintsy.
1812.The most recent report of the Chairman of the II Moscow Committee of the Militia, d. senator of the book. NB Yusupova August 30, 1812 on the activities of officials of the Committee.
The most recent report of the Chairman of the II Moscow Committee of the Militia, d. senator of the book. NB Yusupova August 30, 1812 on the activities of officials of the Committee ..
1812.The case of the composition of the militia in the Moscow province
Russia. Department of Police Executive The case of the composition of the militia in the Moscow province.
1812.Note by the Chancellery of the Economic Committee of the St. Petersburg temporary militia about donations received on August 15, 1812.
Note by the Chancellery of the Economic Committee of the St. Petersburg Provisional Militia about donations received on August 15, 1812.
1812.Note by the Moscow Deputy Governor A. I. Arseniev on donations received by the Supply Committee of the Moscow Militia on July 30, 1812.
Note by the Moscow Deputy Governor A. I. Arsenyev on donations received by the Supply Committee of the Moscow Militia on July 30, 1812.
1812.Note by the Moscow Deputy Governor A. I. Arsenyev on donations received by the Supply Committee of the Moscow Militia on August 5, 1812.
Note by the Moscow Deputy Governor A. I. Arsenyev on donations received by the Supply Committee of the Moscow Militia on August 5, 1812.
1812.Memoirs of the Moscow Governor-General FV Rostopchin to the Internal Internal Affairs Committee of August 4, 1812, on the donation of two household servants and the arming of their staff captain Sikorsky and the awarding of his Order of St. Vladimir IV de
Note by the Moscow Governor-General FV Rostopchin to the Internal Internal Affairs Committee of August 4, 1812, on the donation of two household servants and the arming of their staff captain Sikorsky and on awarding him with the Order of St. Vladimir IV degree ..
1812.Note by the Moscow Governor-General FV Rostopchin on August 4, 1812, to the Internal Militia Committee on the donation of 10,000 rubles by the Moscow merchant Savostin and 31,300 pcs. various wooden utensils by Moscow philistine A. N. Elchinsky and the aw
Note by the Moscow Governor-General FV Rostopchin on August 4, 1812, to the Internal Militia Committee on the donation of 10,000 rubles by the Moscow merchant Savostin and 31,300 pcs. various wooden utensils by Moscow philistine A. N. Elchinsky and about awarding them with gold medals on the Vladimir ribbon.
1812.Note on life and service art. owls. Shelekhova dated December 12, 1850, with information about his participation as a lieutenant in the Moscow militia in 1812.
Note on life and service art. owls. Shelekhov dated December 12, 1850, with information about his participation as a lieutenant in the Moscow militia in 1812.
1850.A copy of the notification of Moscow Governor-General FV Rostopchin dated May 3, 1813. AA Arakcheev about the dissolution of the Moscow and Smolensk militia
A copy of the notification of Moscow Governor-General FV Rostopchin dated May 3, 1813. AA Arakcheev about the dissolution of the Moscow and Smolensk militia.
The Moscow nobility in 1812
The Moscow nobility in 1812. [Moskva]: The edition of the Moscow nobility, 1912.The attitude of the Supply Committee of the Moscow Militia of July 31, 1812 to the Moscow Governor-General FV Rostopchin about the donation by the owner of the arms factories IR Batashev of various weapons worth 150,000 rubles.
The attitude of the Supply Committee of the Moscow Militia of July 31, 1812 to the Moscow Governor-General FV Rostopchin about the donation by the owner of the arms factories IR Batashev of various weapons worth 150,000 rubles ..
1812.Attitude of the Trustee of the Moscow University P.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov on July 22, 1812 to the Procurator-General of the Pr. The Holy Synod of Prince. AN Golitsyn about the donations made by professors and officials of the Empress. Moscow University.
Attitude of the Trustee of the Moscow University P.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov on July 22, 1812 to the Procurator-General of the Pr. The Holy Synod of Prince. AN Golitsyn about the donations made by professors and officials of the Empress. Moscow University. Register of donations.
1812.Proclamation of the chief of the Moscow gentry militia gr. II Morkov, December 12, 1812. The Chairman of the Department of Military Affairs of the State Council, AA Arakcheev, on the awarding of officers of the Moscow nobility militia
Proclamation of the chief of the Moscow gentry militia gr. II Morkov, December 12, 1812. Chairman of the Department of Military Affairs of the State Council AA Arakcheeva on the awarding of officers of the Moscow gentry militia.
[1813].The register of donations received by the Organizing Committee from July 15 to July 20, 1812
Register of donations received by the Organizing Committee from July 15 to July 20, 1812.
1812.Formulary list compiled in 1820, dismissed from the service of the Life Guards Pavlovsky Regiment Lieutenant I. I. Lazhechnikov, in connection with the definition of the civil service, with a record of September 22, 1812 on his participation in the Moscow
Formulary list compiled in 1820, dismissed from the service of the Life Guards Pavlovsky Regiment Lieutenant II Lazhechnikova, in connection with the definition of the civil service, with a record of September 22, 1812 on his participation in the Moscow militia.
1820.A list drawn up in 1827 on the service of the State Board of Foreign Affairs attached to the Moscow Archives of the titular adviser KF Kalaidovich, with a record of his temporary dismissal from among the students of the Imperial University of Moscow and h
A list drawn up in 1827 on the service of the State Board of Foreign Affairs attached to the Moscow Archives of the titular adviser KF Kalaidovich, with a record of his temporary dismissal from among the students of the Imperial University of Moscow and his participation in the Moscow militia in 1812 г.
1827.The formulary list, compiled in 1836, about the service of the vice-director of the Department for Foreign Trade of Prince PA Vyazemsky with a record of his participation in the Moscow militia in 1812.
The formulary list compiled in 1836 about the service of the vice-director of the Department for Foreign Trade of Prince PA Vyazemsky with a record of his participation in the Moscow militia in 1812.
1836.The formulary list, compiled in 1840, about the service of the director of the Moscow Imperial Moscow theaters. MN Zagoskina, with a record of his entry on August 9, 1812 in the Moscow militia
The formulary list, compiled in 1840, about the service of the director of the Moscow Imperial Moscow theaters. MN Zagoskina, with a record of his entry August 9, 1812 in the Moscow militia. Film of 1912.The formulary list, compiled in 1851, about the service of the secret adviser VA Zhukovsky, attached to the Ministry of Public Education, with a record of his participation in the Moscow militia in 1812.
A formulary list compiled in 1851 about the service of the secret adviser VA Zhukovsky, attached to the Ministry of Public Education, with a record of his participation in the Moscow militia in 1812.
1812. - Vladimir Governorate
Vladimir's People's Militia in the Patriotic War of 1812
Vladimir's People's Militia in the Patriotic War of 1812. Vladimir: Vladimirsky Publishing House, 1963.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe attitude of the vice-governor of the Vladimir province on August 20, 1812, to Minister of Finance DA Guriev on the opening of the Second Vladimir Committee for receiving donations to the Internal Militia and on the admission to the Committee of 395 ru
The attitude of the vice-governor of the Vladimir province on August 20, 1812, to Minister of Finance DA Guriev on the opening of the Second Vladimir Committee for receiving donations to the Internal Militia and on the admission to the Committee of 395 rubles ..
1812.The attitude of the Vice-Governor of Vladimir on October 2, 1812, to Minister of Finance DA Guriev on his admission to the Vladimir Committee of Donations from September 1 to October 1, 1812
The attitude of the Vice-Governor of Vladimir on October 2, 1812, to Minister of Finance DA Guriev on his admission to the Vladimir Committee of donations from September 1 to October 1, 1812.
[1812].The attitude of the Vladimir vice-governor of August 31, 1812, Minister of Finance DA Guriev on the receipt of donations to the Vladimir Committee from August 1 to September 1, 1812
The attitude of the Vice-Governor of Vladimir on August 31, 1812 to the Minister of Finance DA Guriev on the receipt of donations to the Vladimir Committee from August 1 to September 1, 1812.
[1812]. - Kazan Governorate
Report of the Archbishop of Kazan and Simbirsk Paul from September 23, 1812 in St. Pr. Synod about donations by the monastery abbots and clergy of the Kazan and Simbirsk provinces to the Internal militia. A statement on donations to the Internal Militia i
Report of the Archbishop of Kazan and Simbirsk Paul from September 23, 1812 in St. Pr. Synod about donations by the monastery abbots and clergy of the Kazan and Simbirsk provinces to the Internal militia. A statement on donations to the Internal Militia in the Kazan and Simbirsk Gubernias.
1812. - Kaluga Governorate
The attitude of Kaluga Civil Governor PN Kaverin to July 12, 1812, Minister of Police AD Balashov about his orders to organize the Internal Militia of the Kaluga Province
Department of Police Executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Attitude of Kaluga Civil Governor PN Kaverin on July 12, 1812 to Minister of Police A.D. Balashov on his orders for the organization of the Internal Militia of the Kaluga Province.The attitude of Bishop Evlampy (Vvedensky) of Kaluga on August 7, 1812, to the Chief Procurator of St. Pr. Synod of Prince. AN Golitsynu about the readiness to second the seminarians for the execution of the letter posts for the commanders of the Provisio
The attitude of Bishop Evlampy (Vvedensky) of Kaluga on August 7, 1812, to the Chief Procurator of St. Pr. Synod of Prince. AN Golitsyn about the readiness to second the seminarians for the execution of the letter posts for the commanders of the Provisional Militia.
1812. - Kostroma Governorate
The case of the composition of the militia in the province of Kostroma
Russia. Department of Police Executive The case of the composition of the militia in the Kostroma province.
1812.A list drawn up in 1845 about the service of the senator present in the 8th Department of the Governing Senate of the Privy Councilor, Chamberlain and Knight N.A. Nebolosin with the entry of July 15, 1812, appointing him commander of the Kostroma Equestri
A list drawn up in 1845 about the service of the senator present in the 8th Department of the Government Senate of the Privy Councilor, Chamberlain and Knight N.A. Nebolosin with the entry of July 15, 1812, appointing him a commander of the Kostroma Equestrian Regiment of the Militia.
1845. - Nizhniy Novgorod Governorate
The most recent report of the chief of the Third District of the Internal Militia Major-General Gr. NI Tolstoy of September 28, 1812 on the completion of the militia and the need for additional weapons.
The most recent report of the chief of the Third District of the Internal Militia Major-General Gr. NI Tolstoy of September 28, 1812 on the completion of the militia collection and the need for additional weapons ..
[N. Novgorod, 1812].Report of the bishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas Moses from August 4, 1815 on receipt of the decree of St. Pr. Synod, the meeting of the Nizhny Novgorod militia with the clergy and the installation of regimental banners over the coffin of Kozma Minin i
Report of the bishop of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas Moses from August 4, 1815 on receipt of the decree of St. Pr. Synod, about the meeting of the Nizhny Novgorod militia with the clergy and the installation of regimental banners over the coffin of Kozma Minin in the Nizhny Novgorod Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior Cathedral.
1815. - Novgorod Governorate
The sheet of donations by the clergy of the Novgorod spiritual consistory in August 1812 for the needs of the Internal Militia
A sheet of donations by the clergy of the Novgorod Spiritual Consistory in August 1812 to the needs of the Internal Militia.
1812.The case of the composition of the militia in the Novgorod province
Russia. Department of Police Executive The case of the composition of the militia in Novgorod province.
1812.The report of Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg Ambrose of August 16, 1812 in St. Pr. Synod on donations by the clergy of the Novgorod Consistory
The report of Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg Ambrose of August 16, 1812 in St. Pr. Synod on donations by the clergy of the Novgorod Consistory.
1812. - Penza Governorate
The case of the composition of the militia in the Penza province
Russia. Department of Police Executive The case of the composition of the militia in the Penza province.
1812.The Penza militia in 1812-1815.
Spiridonova, Lyudmila Mikhailovna (candidate of historical sciences). Penza militia in the years 1812-1815 Belgorod, 2013. - Ryazan Governorate
Ryazan militia of the nobility of 1812-1814.
Apukhtin, Vsevolod Rostislavovich (1874-). Ryazan noblemen's militia in 1812-1814 gg.Москва: edition of the Ryazan nobility, 1912. - Smolensk Governorate
A copy of the notification of Moscow Governor-General FV Rostopchin dated May 3, 1813. AA Arakcheev about the dissolution of the Moscow and Smolensk militia
A copy of the notification of Moscow Governor-General FV Rostopchin dated May 3, 1813. AA Arakcheev about the dissolution of the Moscow and Smolensk militia.
- Tver Governorate
The most recent report of the commander of the Tver militia, Lieutenant-General Y. I. Tyrtov, dated January 1, 1813, on the numerical strength of the Tver militia
The most loyal report of the commander of the Tver militia, Lieutenant-General Y. I. Tyrtov, dated January 1, 1813, on the numerical strength of the Tver militia.
Vitebsk, 1813.The most beloved report of the commander of the Tver militia, Lieutenant-General Y. I. Tyrtov, dated June 25, 1814, on the dissolution of the Tver militia
The most beloved report of the commander of the Tver militia, Lieutenant-General Y. I. Tyrtov, dated June 25, 1814, on the dissolution of the Tver militia.
1814.The case of the composition of the militia in the Tver Province
Russia. Department of Police Executive The case of the composition of the militia in the Tver province.
1812. - Tula Governorate
The case of the composition of the militia in the Tula Province
Russia. Department of Police Executive The case of the composition of the militia in the Tula Province.
1812. - Yaroslavl Governorate
The case of the composition of the militia in the Yaroslavl Province
Russia. Department of Police Executive. The case of the composition of the militia in the Yaroslavl Province. 1812. - Ukraine
Report of the bishop of Poltava and Pereyaslavl Anatolia of August 16, 1812 in St. Pr. Synod on the definition of Zemsky militia Poltava province 15 priests
Report of the bishop of Poltava and Pereyaslavl Anatolia of August 16, 1812 in St. Pr. Synod on the definition of Zemsky militia Poltava province 15 priests.
1812.Report of the Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia Serapion from February 5, 1813, to the Holy Government Synod on the amounts donated to the Inner Militia by the clergy of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra
The report of the Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia Serapion from February 5, 1813, to the Holy Governing Synod on the amounts donated to the Inner Militia by the clergy of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.
1813.Little Russian militia in 1812
Storozhenko, Nikolai Vladimirovich (1862-?). Little Russian militia in 1812.
[Kiev: Type. Un-ta St. Vladimir, VI Zavadsky, 1891]. - Finland
Report of the Metropolitan of Novgorod and Petersburg Ambrose of August 5, 1813 on donations to the Internal Militia in the Finnish province from monasteries, cathedrals, clergymen and parishioners
Report of the Metropolitan of Novgorod and St. Petersburg Ambrose of August 5, 1813 on donations to the internal militia in the province of Finland from monasteries, cathedrals, clergymen and parishioners.