Memory of the war of 1812
Memory of the war of 1812
- Memorable places and monuments
- Borodino
Battle of Borodino
Borodino battlefield. [Moscow]: Publishing of the Moscow-Coastal Railway, 1902.Recollection in 1865 of the Battle of Borodino and the Borodino monument in Moscow
Maslov, Stepan Alekseevich (1793 / 94-1879). Recollection in 1865 of the Battle of Borodino and the Borodino monument in Moscow. Moscow: Univ. a type. (Katkov and Co.), 1865.The monument of glory to the Russian soldiers who commemorated themselves on the Borodino field on August 26, 1812, or the gratitude of the Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich to the fallen for faith and fatherland
Glukharev, Ivan Nikitich (1809-not earlier than 1840). A monument of glory to the Russian soldiers who commemorated themselves on the Borodino field on August 26, 1812, or the gratitude of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich to the fallen for faith and fatherland.
Moscow: To the type. Alexandra Semyon, 1853.Monuments of Borodino
Monuments of Borodino. [Moscow]: TV channel near Moscow, 2012. - Borodino. From the collection of Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky:
Osen ''. Etiud u der. Gorki. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Osen '. Etiud u der. Gorki. Borodino.
1911.Koloch River near the village. Slides with a high shore. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Rieka Koloch 'u der. Gorki s vysokim beregom. Borodino.
1911.Rieka Koloch '' s mosta pri v''iezdie v s. Borodino, kuda spadaet pologost '' reduta Raevskago. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Rieka Koloch's mosta pri v'iezdie v s. Borodino, kuda spadaet pologost 'reduta Raevskago. Borodino.
1911.General view of the church of Borodino. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Obshchii vid Borodinskoi tserkvi. Borodino.
1911.The Borodino Church. (On the dome of the hole). Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Borodinskaia tserkov '. (Na kupolie proboina). Borodino.
1911.A piece of iron with a punch. It is kept in the church of Borodino. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Kusok zhelieza s proboinoi. Khranitsia v Borodinskoi tserkvi. Borodino.
1911.The iconostasis in the church of Borodino. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Ikonostas v Borodinskoi tserkvi. Borodino.
1911.Icon of the Smolensk Mother of God, owned by Bagration. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Ikona Smolenskoi Bozh'ei Materi, prinadlezhavshaia Bagrationu. Borodino.
1911.Vessels and airs of 1793 year. During the war they were buried in the grave. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Sosudy i vozdukhi 1793-go goda. Vo vremia voiny byli zakopany v mogilu. Borodino.
1911.Vessels and air. Gift of the Emperor Alexander and Borodino church. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Sosudy i vozdukhi. Dar Imperatora Aleksandra II Borodinskoi tserkvi. Borodino.
1911.The cross is crossed with a dress made of rock crystal. Gift of the Emperor Alexander I. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Zaprestol'nyi krest s otdielkoiu iz gornago khrustalia. Dar Imperatora Aleksandra II. Borodino.
1911.The reverse side of the cross in the church of Borodino. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Obratnaia storona kresta v Borodinskoi tserkvi. Borodino.
1911.The palace in with. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Dvorets v s. Borodino.
1911.Pamiatnik na redutie Raevskago. U Mozhaisk. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Pamiatnik na redutie Raevskago. U Mozhaisk. Borodino.
1911.Mogila Bagrationa u pamiatnika na redutie Raevskago. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Mogila Bagrationa u pamiatnika na redutie Raevskago. Borodino.
1911 ..Shevardinsky redoubt. General view from the bell of Spaso-Borodinskoy mon. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Shevardinskii redut. Obshchii vid s kolokol'ni Spaso-Borodinskago mon. Borodino.
1911.Shevardinskii redut. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Shevardinskii redut. Borodino.
1911.Alexinsky ford, where the French were built by 3 bridges. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Aleksinskii brod, gdie bylo postroeno frantsuzami 3 mosta. Borodino.
1911.Utitskaia flesh '', gdie budet pamiatnik. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Utitskaia flesh ', gdie budet pamiatnik. Borodino.
1911.View from the Utisk flush to the village of Utitsy. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Vid s Utitskoi fleshi na derevniu Utitsy. Borodino.
1911.Utitsky forest and fields from the belfry of the Savior-Borodino monastery. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Utitskii lies i polia s kolokol'ni Spaso-Borodinskago monastyria. Borodino.
1911.Vid s kolokol''ni Spaso-Borodinskago mon. na miestnost '', gdie marsh. Nei vel ataku na fleshi Bagratеiona. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Vid s kolokol'ni Spaso-Borodinskago mon. na miestnost ', gdie marsh. Nei vel ataku na fleshi Bagratеiona. Borodino.
1911.A lodge in the Savior-Borodino Monastery, where the founder of the monastery Tuchkova lived. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Storozhka v Spaso-Borodinskom monastyrie, gdie zhila osnovatel'nitsa monastyria Tuchkova. Borodino.
1911.General view of the first church in the Spaso-Borodino Monastery. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Obshchii vid pervoi tserkvi v Spaso-Borodinskom monastyrie. Borodino.
1911.Tuchkova's grave with her son in the church she built in Spaso-Borodino mon. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Mogila Tuchkovoi s synom v postroennoi eiu tserkvi v Spaso-Borodinskom mon. Borodino.
1911.Spaso-Borodino monastery. View from the village of Semenovskoe. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskizhi, Sergezhi Mikhazhilovich, (1863-1944,). Spaso-Borodinskii monastyr '. Vid ot derevni Semenovskoe. Borodino.
1911.General view of the Spaso-Borodino monastery from the north. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Obshchii vid Spaso-Borodinskago monastyria s sievera. Borodino.
1911.General view of Kolochsky monastery. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Obshchii vid Kolochskago monastyria. Borodino.
1911.The border of the Moscow and Smolensk lips. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Granitsa Moskovskoi i Smolenskoi gub. Borodino.
1911.View of Borodino station from Utisky flush. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Vid na stantsiiu Borodino ot Utitskoi fleshi. Borodino.
1911 ..Borodino station
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). Stantsiia Borodino.
1911.yBorodinsky museums. Borodinosch
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). [Borodinskom muzeie. Borodino].
[1911].In the Borodino Museum. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). V Borodinskom muzeie. Borodino.
1911.In the Borodino Museum. Borodino
Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich (1863-1944). V Borodinskom muzeie. Borodino.
1911. - Saint-Petersburg
The Alexander Column on the Palace Square (1834, architect O. Montferrand)
Melentiev, Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-). The Alexander Column on the Palace Square (1834, architect O. Montferrand). St. Petersburg, July 2012.The Alexander Gate of the Catherine Park in Tsarskoe Selo (1817, architect V. P. Stasov)
Melentiev, Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-). The Alexander Gate of the Catherine Park in Tsarskoye Selo (1817, architect V.P. Stasov).
St. Petersburg, August 2012.Arch of the General Staff on the Palace Square (1819-1828, architect KI Rossi)
Melentiev, Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-). Arch of the General Staff at the Palace Square (1819-1828, architect KI Rossi).
St. Petersburg, July 2012.Kazan Cathedral (1811, architect A. N. Voronikhin)
Melentiev, Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-). Kazan Cathedral (1811, architect A. N. Voronikhin). St. Petersburg, July 2012.Columns of Glory on the Konnogvardeysky Boulevard (1844-45, sculptor KD Raukh, architect KI Rossi)
Melentiev, Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-). Columns of Glory on the Konnogvardeysky Boulevard (1844-45, sculptor KD Raukh, architect KI Rossi).
St. Petersburg, August 2012.Memorial plaque to KN Batyushkov (Embankment of the Fontanka River, 25)
Melentiev, Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-). Memorial plaque to KN Batyushkov (Embankment of the Fontanka River, 25).
St. Petersburg, August 2012.Memorial plaque to M. I. Kutuzov (Zhdanovskaya naberezhnaya, 13)
Melentiev, Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-). Memorial plaque to M. I. Kutuzov (Zhdanovskaya embankment, 13). St. Petersburg, August 2012.The Narva Triumphal Gates (1834, architect VP Stasov)
Melentiev, Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-). The Narva Triumphal Gates (1834, architect VP Stasov).
St. Petersburg, August 2012.Monument to MB Barclay de Tolly in front of the Kazan Cathedral (1837, sculptor BI Orlovsky, architect VP Stasov)
Melentiev, Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-). Monument to MB Barclay de Tolly in front of the Kazan Cathedral (1837, sculptor BI Orlovsky, architect VP Stasov).
St. Petersburg, August 2012.Monument to M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov before the Kazan Cathedral (1837, sculptor B. I. Orlovsky, architect V.P. Stasov)
Melentiev, Alexei Mikhailovich (1958-). Monument to M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov in front of the Kazan Cathedral (1837, sculptor B. I. Orlovsky, architect V.P. Stasov).
St. Petersburg, August 2012.
- Anniversaries
- The 100th anniversary
In memory of Emperor Alexander I of the Blessed and Patriotic War for the inhabitants of Olonets region
Blagoveshchensky, Ivan Ivanovich In memory of the Emperor Alexander I of the Blessed and Patriotic War for the inhabitants of the Olonets region. Petrozavodsk: Olonets. lips. Zemstvo, 1912.Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov at the opening ceremony of a monument to French soldiers on the Borodino Field during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812
Military Minister VA Sukhomlinov at the opening ceremony at the Borodino field of a monument to French soldiers during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.
Borodino, August 26, 1912.Exhibition in memory of the Patriotic War. 1812 - 1912
Exhibition in memory of the Patriotic War of 1812 (Ryazan, 1912-1913). Exhibition in memory of the Patriotic War. 1812 - 1912.
Ryazan: Academic Archive Commission, 1912.The triumph of Russia in the fight against Napoleon
Glinsky, Boris Borisovich (1860-1917). The triumph of Russia in the fight against Napoleon.
[B. m .: b. and., 1912].The case of the Council of Ministers on the awarding of employees of the Chancellery of the Council of Ministers and the gendarmerís noncommissioned officers at the disposal of its chairman, with medals in commemoration of the anniversaries: the 200th ann
Russia. Council of Ministers The case of the Council of Ministers on the awarding of employees of the Chancellery of the Council of Ministers and the gendarmerís noncommissioned officers at the disposal of its chairman, with medals in commemoration of the anniversaries: the 200th anniversary of the Poltava victory, the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812, the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty, on the mobilization of 1914; employees of the Petersburg Telegraph Agency - with medals commemorating the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov...In memory of the century of the Patriotic War of 1812-1814
Ivanov, Nikolay Atremyevich In memory of the century of the Patriotic War of 1812 - 1814.
Odessa: Publication of the Odessa municipal public administration, 1912.Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her daughters and their accompanying persons pass along the platform of the railway station on arrival at the Borodino station to participate in the celebrations [on the occasion of the 100th annivers
Emperor Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna with her daughters and their accompanying persons pass along the platform of the railway station upon arrival at Borodino station to participate in the celebrations [on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812].
Borodino, August 25, 1912.News of the Taurida Academic Archive Commission. G. 26 No. 49
Tavrichesky scientific archival commission. News of the Taurida Academic Archive Commission. Simferopol, 1888-1920.
G. 26 No. 49. 1913.Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5444 (Jan. 3)
Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5444 (Jan. 3).
Irkutsk: Irkutsk provincial government, 1857-.Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5539 (Aug. 23)
Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5539 (Aug. 23).
Irkutsk: Irkutsk provincial government, 1857-.Объявление Иркутского губернатора о порядке празднования в г. Иркутске столетнего юбилея Отечественной войны. С. 1.
Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5545 (Sept. 6)
Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5545 (Sept. 6).
Irkutsk: Irkutsk provincial government, 1857-.Указ министра финансов «Об утверждении описания внешнего вида монеты рублевого достоинства в память 100-летия Отечественной войны». С. 2.
Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5550 (September 18)
Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5550 (18 Sept.).
Irkutsk: Irkutsk provincial government, 1857-.Манифест Николая II, состоявшийся 26 августа 1912 года, по случаю столетней годовщины Отечественной войны. С. 1.
The centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812
Kulchitsky, Valentin Mikhailovich (1881-1942). The centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812. Kharkov: Typo-lithograph of R. Radomyschelsky, 1912.School holiday in memory of the glorious feats of native heroes of 1812
Lukashevich, Claudia Vladimirovna (1859-1931). A school holiday in memory of the glorious feats of native heroes of 1812 ..
Moscow: Printing house of the tv ID Sytin, 1912.The Minister of the Court of His Imperial Majesty, Baron VB Frederiks, talks with Emperor Nicholas II at the Temple-tent of Emperor Alexander I during the festivities on the Borodino field on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1
The Minister of the Court of His Imperial Majesty, Baron VB Frederiks, talks with Emperor Nicholas II at the Temple-tent of Emperor Alexander I during the festivities on the Borodino Field on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.
Borodino, August 26, 1912.The Minister of the Imperial Court, a member of the State Council, Baron VB Frederiks passes through the Borodino field after the consecration of the monument to the battle of Borodino during the celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of th
The Minister of the Imperial Court, a member of the State Council, Baron VB Frederiks passes through the Borodino field after the consecration of the monument to the battle of Borodino during the celebrations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.
Borodino, August 26, 1912.The centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812
Nazarevsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich (1870 - 1919). The centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812.
Moscow: Printing house of ID Sytin, 1911.On the release of funds and the establishment of the procedure for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812; on the permission of the construction in the mountains. Moscow panorama of the battle of Borodino
Russia. Council of Ministers On the release of funds and the establishment of the procedure for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812; on the permission of the construction in the mountains. Moscow panorama of the battle of Borodino.
1911 - 1912.Speeches delivered in the solemn meeting of the Council of the Imperial Moscow University and the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities in memory of 1812
Speeches delivered at the solemn meeting of the Council of the Imperial Moscow University and the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities in memory of 1812. Moscow: Publication of the Society of Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University, 1913.To the centennial anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812
Romashkov, Dmitry Ivanovich. To the centennial anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812. Moscow: Russian Pechatnia, 1911. - The 200th anniversary
A conference on the role of military seamen in the Patriotic War of 1812 was held at the Presidential Library
A conference on the role of military seamen in the Patriotic War of 1812 was held at the Presidential Library.
St. Petersburg: Presidential Library named after. Boris N. Yeltsin, 2012.On the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812
Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812. Moscow, 2007.On the Introduction of Amendments to Decree No. 1755 of the President of the Russian Federation of 28 December 2007 "On the Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812"
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On Amending the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2007, No. 1755 "On the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812". Moscow, 2009.On Amending the Regulations on the State Commission for the Preparation for the Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812 and in the composition of this State Commission, approved by the Decree of the Presi
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On Amendments to the Statute on the State Commission for the Preparation for the Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812 and to the State Commission approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1755 of December 28, 2007. Moscow, 2010.On the introduction of a change in the composition of the State Commission for the preparation for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Feder
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the introduction of a change in the composition of the State Commission for the preparation for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812, approved by Presidential Decree No. 1755 of December 28, 2007.
On the introduction of changes in the composition of the State Commission for the preparation for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federa
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the introduction of changes in the composition of the State Commission for the preparation for the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the victory of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812, approved by Presidential Decree No. 1755 of December 28, 2007.
- 1812 in literature and art
- Books
Combat and folk songs from 1812-1815
Combat and folk songs of 1812-1815.
St. Petersburg: Printing house of the Association "Public Benefit", 1877.Faith, fidelity and glory of the Don
Glinka, Sergei Nikolaevich (1776-1847). Faith, fidelity and glory of the Don. Moscow: in the printing house of S. Selivanovsky, 1813.Countess Roslavleva, or the Spouse-heroine, who distinguished himself in the famous war of 1812
Glukharev, Ivan Nikitich (1809-not earlier than 1840). Countess Roslavleva, or the Spouse-heroine, who distinguished himself in the famous war of 1812.
Moscow: Type. Selivanovsky, 1832.1812-th year in the works of Russian writers and poets
Duchinsky, Nikolay Polievtovich 1812-th year in the works of Russian writers and poets. Moscow: Edition of the T-W IDSytin, 1912.The twelfth year in the works of Russian writers and poets and the anniversary celebration in memory of 1812
Duchinsky, Nikolay Polievktovich. The twelfth year in the works of Russian writers and poets and the anniversary celebration in memory of 1812. Moscow: Typography T. ID Sytin, 1912.1812 in Russian poetry
1812 in Russian poetry. St. Petersburg: M. Stasyulevych Printing House, 1912.Song of the warriors of the general militia.
Zakharov, Ivan Semenovich (1754-1816). The song of the warriors of the universal militia ..
St.Petersburg: In the printing house of Ivan Glazunov, 1812.Know the Russian!
Know the Russian !. Moscow: At the University Press, 1813.The Parable of the Serpent and Ants
Koilensky, Ivan The parable of the Serpent and the Ants.
St.Petersburg: in the Medical Printing House, 1812.In the year 1812
Magon, Patrice (1865-1914). In 1812.
St. Petersburg: Printing house of AS Suvorin, 1896.Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5471 (March 8)
Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5471 (March 8).
Irkutsk: Irkutsk provincial government, 1857-.Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5478 (March 25)
Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5478 (March 25).
Irkutsk: Irkutsk provincial government, 1857-.Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5555 (September 30)
Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1912, No. 5555 (September 30).
Irkutsk: Irkutsk provincial government, 1857-.The Patriotic War of 1812 in Russian poetry of the 19th century
The Patriotic War of 1812 in Russian poetry of the 19th century. Moscow: OGIZ, 1941.The philosopher of the mountain Alaunskaya, or the Thoughts on the Don on the entry into the Russian limits of Napoleon and its complete defeat
Pokrovsky, Theophylactus Gavrilovich (1763-1843). The philosopher of the mountain Alaunskaya, or the Thought on the Don about the entry into the Russian limits of Napoleon and its complete defeat. Moscow: At the University Press, 1813.Jokes of the most notable events that occurred during the current war with the French, or 1) The unparalleled features of the greatness, justice and goodness of the monarch; 2) Impartial image of the great spirit, firmament of character, unshakable determ
Sinelnikov, Philip Martynovich Jokes of the most notable events that occurred during the current war with the French, or 1) The unparalleled features of the greatness, justice and goodness of the monarch; 2) Impartial image of the great spirit, firmament of character, unshakable determination, profundity, prudence and foresight of Russian generals; 3) Inimitable examples of courage, fearlessness, bravery and patience of the army .... Part 1. St. Petersburg: Printed in the printing house of Ivan Glazunov, 1813.1813.Jokes of the most notable events that occurred during the current war with the French, or 1) The unparalleled features of the greatness, justice and goodness of the monarch; 2) Impartial image of the great spirit, firmament of character, unshakable determ
Sinelnikov, Philip Martynovich Jokes of the most notable events that occurred during the current war with the French, or 1) The unparalleled features of the greatness, justice and goodness of the monarch; 2) Impartial image of the great spirit, firmament of character, unshakable determination, profundity, prudence and foresight of Russian generals; 3) Inordinate examples of courage, fearlessness, courage and patience of the army .... Part 2. St. Petersburg: Printed in the printing house of Ivan Glazunov, 1813.1813.Irritated Lion, or All-Prevailing Russia
Sinelnikov, Philip Martynovich Irritated lion, or all-forbearing Russia.
St.Petersburg: in the printing house of Ivan Glazunov, 1813.V. Zhukovsky's poem "The Borodino anniversary" with the dedication of the author IM Tolstoy
The poem by VA Zhukovsky "The Borodino anniversary" with the dedication of the author IM Tolstoy.
[Moscow: In the univ. type., 1839]. - Visual materials
Vereshchagin, Vasily Vasilyevich 1812. Moscow: Typo-lit. High. ut. T. IN Kushnerev and Co., 1895.On the portraits of Emperor Alexander I, closest to the era of the Patriotic War
Gabayev, Georgy Solomonovich (1877-1956). On the portraits of Emperor Alexander I, closest to the era of the Patriotic War.
St. Petersburg: R. Golike and A. Vilburg, [1911].Engraving "One for all the Emperor Alexander I". Moscow, 1839
Engraving "One for all the Emperor Alexander I". Moscow, 1839.The Illustrated Patriotic War of 1812
The Illustrated Patriotic War of 1812. St. Petersburg: Type. FS Sushchinsky, 1887.Emperor Alexander I urges Muscovites to defend their homeland on July 15
Emperor Alexander I calls on Muscovites to defend the fatherland on July 15.
Kiev: P. Plakhov, 1910.Historical Calendar "Memoirs of the Patriotic War of 1812"
Historical calendar "Memoirs about the Patriotic War of 1812".
Folk picture "Militia of 1812"
Folk picture "Militia of 1812".1812 in the cartoon
1812 in a caricature.
Moscow: Typography lithograph of IF Smirnov, 1912.Engraving One for All Emperor Alexander I. Moscow, 1839
Engraving One for All Emperor Alexander I. Moscow, 1839.
Popular print People's Volunteer Corps during the War of 1812
Popular print People's Volunteer Corps during the War of 1812.
Объявление Музея 1812 года о постановлении устроить специальный юбилейный отдел. С. 1.