Directives of the President of the Russian Federation

Directives of the President of the Russian Federation

[On the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when considering by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the question of ratification of the Agreement on training military personnel for the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization]

      Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). [On the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when considering by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the question of ratification of the Agreement on training military personnel for the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization]. Moscow, 2007.

[On the appointment of Makarova N. E as the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation during the consideration by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the ratification of the Agreement on the operational equipment of the territory, the joint use of military infrastructure facilities of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, signed in Astana on June 18, 2004 year]

      Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). [On the appointment of Makarova N. E as the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation during the consideration by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the ratification of the Agreement on the operational equipment of the territory, the joint use of military infrastructure facilities of the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, signed in Astana on June 18, 2004 g.]. Moscow, 2008.

[On the appointment of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Makarova NE as the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when examining the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the ratification of the Agreement on the Creation of a System for Managing the Collective Security Treaty Organization on collective security, signed in Dushanbe on October 6, 2007]

      Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). [On the appointment of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Makarova NE as the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when examining the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the ratification of the Agreement on the Creation of a System for Managing the Collective Security Treaty Organization on collective security, signed in Dushanbe on October 6, 2007]. Moscow, 2008...

[On the appointment of Makarova N.E. the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when considering by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the issue of ratification of the Agreement on the Peacekeeping Activities of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, signed in Dushanbe on October 6, 2007]

      Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). [On the appointment of Makarova N.E. the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when considering by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the question of ratification of the Agreement on the Peacekeeping Activities of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, signed in Dushanbe on October 6, 2007]. Moscow, 2008.

On the appointment of A. Kolmakov. the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when considering the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the question of ratifying the Protocol on the mechanism for providing military-technical assistance to the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in cases of the threat of aggression or the commission of an act of aggression signed in Dushanbe on October 6, 2007. .

      Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the appointment of A. Kolmakov. the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when considering the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the question of ratifying the Protocol on the mechanism for providing military-technical assistance to the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in cases of the threat of aggression or the commission of an act of aggression signed in Dushanbe on October 6, 2007. .. Moscow, 2008.

[On signing the Agreement on the exchange of information between the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization on the transfer (receipt) of portable anti-aircraft missile systems of the Igla and Strela type]

      Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). [On signing an agreement on the exchange of information between the member states of the Collective Security Treaty Organization on the transfer (receipt) of portable anti-aircraft missile systems of the Igla and Strela type]. Moscow, 2009.

On the appointment of First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation A. Kolmakov. the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when considering by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the question of ratification of the Second Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement on the Basic Principles of Military-Technical Cooperation between the States Parties to the Collective Security Treaty of May 15, 1992 and the Second Protocol on Amending the Protocol on the procedure for monitoring the targeted use of military products supplied under the Agreement

      Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the appointment of First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation A. Kolmakov. the official representative of the President of the Russian Federation when considering by the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the question of ratification of the Second Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement on the Basic Principles of Military-Technical Cooperation between the States Parties to the Collective Security Treaty of May 15, 1992 and the Second Protocol on Amending the Protocol on the...
