
The "Exhibitions" section presents the exhibitions, which were on display in 2012. The section includes four subsections, each of which covers a particular exhibition, "Novgorod in the History of Russian State," "Golden Room of Veliky Novgorod. Jeweller’s Art in the 5th – 19th cc.," "Russian Icon in the 11th – 19th cc.," "Revived from Ruins. Transfiguration Church in Kovalyovo and Its Frescoes."
The exhibition "Novgorod the History of Russian State" opened September 18, 2009 in the former building of the government offices of the Novgorod Kremlin. The exhibition includes two subsections - the historical one and the artistic one. The historic subsection covers the history of Novgorod from its origin until the annexation to Moscow (9th – 15th cc.). The second subsection of the exhibition features the art of Veliky Novgorod, reveals the themes of musical culture and art crafts.
The "Golden Room of Veliky Novgorod. Jeweller’s art in the 5th – 19th cc." exhibition opened December 5, 2006. On display there are objects from the collection, "Arts and Crafts", most of which represent the Orthodox cult samples, which were kept in the vestries of Novgorod monasteries.
The "Russian Icon in the 11th – 19th cc." exhibition opened May 18, 2004. The exhibition features about 260 restored icons of the 11th – 19th cc., most of which were made in the main Novgorod icon painting workshops.
The "Revived from Ruins. Transfiguration Church in Kovalyovo and Its Frescoes" exhibition opened December 28, 2012 in the Church of St. George at the marketplace in Yaroslav's Court. The exhibition displays frescoes from the Transfiguration Church in Kovalyovo collected by the method of the spouses Grekovs and assembled on titanium shields, which were considered lost after the destruction of the church during the Great Patriotic War.