Kaluga Governorate
Kaluga Governorate
The attitude of Kaluga Civil Governor PN Kaverin to July 12, 1812, Minister of Police AD Balashov about his orders to organize the Internal Militia of the Kaluga Province
Department of Police Executive of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Attitude of Kaluga Civil Governor PN Kaverin on July 12, 1812 to Minister of Police A.D. Balashov on his orders for the organization of the Internal Militia of the Kaluga Province.
Attitude of Kaluga Civil Governor PN Kaverin on July 12, 1812 to Minister of Police A.D. Balashov on his orders for the organization of the Internal Militia of the Kaluga Province.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский Государственный Исторический Архив" (РГИА)
The attitude of Bishop Evlampy (Vvedensky) of Kaluga on August 7, 1812, to the Chief Procurator of St. Pr. Synod of Prince. AN Golitsynu about the readiness to second the seminarians for the execution of the letter posts for the commanders of the Provisional Militia
The attitude of Bishop Evlampy (Vvedensky) of Kaluga on August 7, 1812, to the Chief Procurator of St. Pr. Synod of Prince. AN Golitsyn about the readiness to second the seminarians for the execution of the letter posts for the commanders of the Provisional Militia.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив