Financial law
Financial law
Legal regulation of banking activities in the Russian Federation
Ruchkin, Rostislav Olegovich. Legal regulation of banking activities in the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2016.
Financial and legal regulation of monetary circulation in the Russian Federation
Sitnik, Alexander Alexandrovich
Financial and legal regulation of monetary circulation in the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2010.
Civil-law institutions, concepts and terms in tax law
Smolitskaya, Elena Evgenievna. Civil-law institutes, concepts and terms in tax law. Moscow, 2016.
Theoretical aspects of legal regulation of financial activities of the state and municipalities
Sokolova, Elvira Dmitrievna
Theoretical aspects of legal regulation of financial activities of the state and municipalities. Moscow, 2008.
Legal regulation of taxation of controlled foreign companies: the experience of foreign countries and Russia
Starzhenetskaya, Lyubov Nikolaevna. Legal regulation of taxation of controlled foreign companies: the experience of foreign countries and Russia. Moscow, 2016.
Optimization of financial activities of municipalities in the Russian Federation
Sushko, Roman Vyacheslavovich
Optimization of financial activities of municipalities in the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2010.
Dissertation sample: Is administrative-legal methods of increase of level of tax receipts in the Russian Federation ...
Tarkaeva, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Administrative and legal methods for increasing the level of tax revenue in the Russian Federation. Kazan, 2007.
Legal regulation of circulation of precious metals and precious stones in the Russian Federation (financial and legal aspects)
Yankevich, Semyon Vasilievich (Candidate of Legal Sciences). Legal regulation of circulation of precious metals and precious stones in the Russian Federation (financial and legal aspects). Moscow, 2015.