The Russian Geographical Society. Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei Province (geography, ethnography, folklore). 1847-1914 years.
The Russian Geographical Society. Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei Province (geography, ethnography, folklore). 1847-1914 years.
Description of Yeniseysk
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore).
Gashkevich, V. Description of the Yeniseisk.
Gashkevich, V. Description of the Yeniseisk.
Русское географическое общество. Научный архив
Description of the city of Yeniseysk
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore).
Description of the city of Yeniseisk.
Description of the city of Yeniseisk.
Русское географическое общество. Научный архив
Information on ordinary civil law in the Kazachinsky Volost of the Yenisei Gubernia
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore).
Information on the ordinary civil law in the Kazachinsky volost of the Yenisei province.
Information on the ordinary civil law in the Kazachinsky volost of the Yenisei province.
Русское географическое общество. Научный архив
Description of the Irbin Iron-Making Plant in the Minusinsk District of the Yenisei Gubernia
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore). Film Kostrov, Nikolay Alekseevich (1823-1881). Description Irbinsky iron-making plant in the Minusinsk district of the Yenisei province.
Русское географическое общество. Научный архив
About private gold mines of the Yenisei province. Attached 2 drawings
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore). Film Latkin, Nikolay Vasilyevich (1832-1904). About private gold mines of the Yenisei province. Attached 2 drawings.
Русское географическое общество. Научный архив
A statement on gold mining in the private fisheries of the Yeniseisky Okrug from the beginning of the opening of the works until their completion in 1856.
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore).
Statement on the extraction of gold in the private fisheries of the Yeniseisky Okrug from the beginning of the opening of the works until their termination in 1856
Statement on the extraction of gold in the private fisheries of the Yeniseisky Okrug from the beginning of the opening of the works until their termination in 1856
Русское географическое общество. Научный архив
On the trade with Western China from the Minusinsk District of the Yenisei Gubernia.
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore). Film Veselkov, Nikolay Fedorovich. About trade with West China from the Minusinsk District of the Yenisei Gorge.
Русское географическое общество. Научный архив
A letter about Veselkov's article on trade with West China from the Minusinsk District of the Yenisei Gubernia.
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore).
Gulyaev, S. Pismo about Veselkov's article on trade with West China from the Minusinsk District of the Yenisei Gorge.
Gulyaev, S. Pismo about Veselkov's article on trade with West China from the Minusinsk District of the Yenisei Gorge.
Русское географическое общество. Научный архив
Ethnographic information about residents with. Boguchan of the Yenisei Uyezd
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore).
Andreev, A. Ethnographic information about the inhabitants of. Boguchan of the Yenisei Uyezd.
Andreev, A. Ethnographic information about the inhabitants of. Boguchan of the Yenisei Uyezd.
Русское географическое общество. Научный архив
Ethnographic information about the inhabitants of the Kansk district of the Yenisei province
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore).
Nekrasov, A. Ethnographic information about the inhabitants of the Kansk district of the Yenisei province.
Nekrasov, A. Ethnographic information about the inhabitants of the Kansk district of the Yenisei province.
Русское географическое общество. Научный архив