Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, 2014
Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, 2014
- Sport silhouettes
- Series of 15 badges
Icon "Winter sport, Biathlon"
Icon "Winter sport, Biathlon". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Winter Sport Bobsleigh badge
Icon "Winter Sport. Bobsleigh." St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.The badge "Winter sports, Alpine skiing"
The badge "Winter sports." Alpine skiing. " St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014. \nWinter sport icon Curling
The icon "Winter sport. Curling". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Badge "Winter sport. Skiing biathlon"
The badge "Winter sport. Skiing biathlon". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Badge "Winter sport. Cross-country skiing"
Badge "Winter sport. Cross-country skiing". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Badge "Winter sport. Ski jumping"
Badge "Winter sport. Ski jumping." St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Badge "Winter Sports. Luge"
The badge "Winter sport." St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Badge "Winter Sports Skeleton"
Badge "Winter Sports Skeleton." St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Badge "Winter Sports. Speed Skating"
Icon "Winter sports. Speed skating." St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Winter Sports Snowboard badge
Icon "Winter sport. Snowboard." St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Icon "Winter Sports, Figure Skating"
Icon "Winter sport., Figure skating." St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Badge "Winter sport. Freestyle"
Badge "Winter sport. Freestyle." St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Badge "Winter Sports. Ice Hockey"
Badge "Winter sport. Ice hockey." St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Winter sports short track icon
Icon "Winter sport. Short track." St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.
- World of nature
- Series of 10 badges
Icon "Natural world - Butterfly"
Icon "Natural World. Butterfly." St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.The icon "Natural World: Dolphins"
The icon "Natural World: Dolphins". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Icon "Natural world, yellow butterfly"
The icon "Natural World: The Yellow Butterfly". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.The icon "Natural World: The Swan"
The icon "Natural World: The Swan". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Icon "Natural world, Bear"
The icon "Natural world, Bear". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.The icon "Natural world, Deer"
The icon "Natural world, Deer". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Icon "Natural world. Eagle"
Icon "The natural world. Eagle". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.The icon "Natural World: Snowdrops"
Icon "Natural World. Snowdrops". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.The icon "Natural world: Lynx"
The icon "Natural world: Lynx". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.The icon "Natural World. The Seagull"
The icon "Natural World. The Seagull". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.
- Olympic mascots
- Series of 3 badges
Icon "White Bear." Nordic Combat
Icon "White Bear." Nordic Combat. St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Badge "Bunny. Downhill skiing"
Badge "Bunny. Alpine skiing". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Leopard: Jumping on a Ski Jump
"Leopard: Jumping on a Ski Jump" icon. St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.
- Particular badges
Icon "Mountain tops"
The icon "Mountain tops". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Badge "Olympic Rings"
Icon "Olympic Rings". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Icon "Hellas"
The icon "Hellas". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Badge "Hellas, Olympic torch"
Badge "Hellas, Olympic torch". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Icon "Sochi 2014. Candidate city"
Icon "Sochi 2014. Candidate city". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.Icon "U.S. Olympic team. USA Hockey. Sochi"
Badge "U.S. Olympic team, USA Hockey. Sochi". St. Petersburg: The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library, 2014.