Russian-Chinese economic relations
Russian-Chinese economic relations
Transbaikalia and China: experience in analyzing international relations
Tarasov, Alexander Petrovich. Transbaikalia and China: the experience of analyzing international relations. Chita: ZabGPU, 2003.
Забайкальская КУНБ
Historical and statistical review of trade relations between Russia and China
Korsak, Alexander Kazimirovich (1832-1874). Historical and statistical review of trade relations between Russia and China. Kazan: the publication of bookseller Ivan Dubrovin, 1857.
On the trade with Western China from the Minusinsk District of the Yenisei Gubernia.
Manuscripts of works on the Yenisei province (geography, ethnography, folklore). Film Veselkov, Nikolay Fedorovich. About trade with West China from the Minusinsk District of the Yenisei Gorge.
Русское географическое общество. Научный архив
The works of Russian trade people in Mongolia and China
The works of Russian trade people in Mongolia and China. Irkutsk: type. K.I. Vitkovskaya, 1890.
Русское географическое общество
Correspondence with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and other officials on the extension of the St. Petersburg Russian-Chinese Trade Treaty of 1881
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
Correspondence with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and other officials on the extension of the St. Petersburg Russian-Chinese Trade Treaty of 1881.
Correspondence with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and other officials on the extension of the St. Petersburg Russian-Chinese Trade Treaty of 1881.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
On the change and extension of the Russian-Chinese trade agreement of 1881. Journal of the Interdepartmental Commission for the revision of the agreement between Russia and China on customs matters (f. 157-216) [a)]
Russia. Council of Ministers. On the change and extension of the Russian-Chinese trade agreement of 1881. Journal of the Interdepartmental Commission for the revision of the agreement between Russia and China on customs issues (l. 157-216) [a)]. 1910.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
The most recent report of the Minister of Finance S. Yu. Witte on the establishment of the Russian-Chinese Bank in China and the assignment there as an official agent of the Ministry of Finance and a clerk of the clerical office of the General Office of the Minister of Finance, D. D. Pokotilov
General Office of the Minister of Finance.
The most outstanding report of the Minister of Finance S. Yu. Witte on the establishment of the Russian-Chinese Bank in China and sending him there as an official agent of the Ministry of Finance and a clerk of the clerical bank of the General Office of the Minister of Finance, D. D. Pokotilov.
The most outstanding report of the Minister of Finance S. Yu. Witte on the establishment of the Russian-Chinese Bank in China and sending him there as an official agent of the Ministry of Finance and a clerk of the clerical bank of the General Office of the Minister of Finance, D. D. Pokotilov.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский Государственный Исторический Архив" (РГИА)
Samples of banknotes issued by the Chinese bank in 1917-1918, worth 10, 20, 50 cents, and 1, 10 dollars [?]
Samples of banknotes issued by the Chinese bank in 1917-1918, worth 10, 20, 50 cents, and 1, 10 dollars [?]. 1917-1918.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив
Opportunities and prospects for the export of Russian energy resources (oil) to China
Morozov, Artem Ivanovich. Opportunities and prospects for the export of Russian energy resources (oil) to China. Moscow, 2008.
Cross-border economic cooperation between Russia and China
Wang I. Cross-border economic cooperation between Russia and China. Moscow, 2009.
РУДН. Сайт
- Transport links between Russia and China
On the establishment of rules for navigation of Russian and Chinese vessels along the rivers of the Amur basin
Russia. Council of Ministers On the establishment of rules for navigation of Russian and Chinese vessels along the rivers of the Amur basin.
1907- [1914].On the establishment of urgent steamship communications in the Far East: between Vladivostok and the Okhotsk-Kamchatka populated areas; between Vladivostok and the ports of China, Korea and Japan; on the conclusion of a contract with the Partnership of Sh
Russia. Council of Ministers. On the establishment of urgent steamship communications in the Far East: between Vladivostok and the Okhotsk-Kamchatka populated areas; between Vladivostok and the ports of China, Korea and Japan; on the conclusion of a contract with the Partnership of Shipping Companies in the Far East for the maintenance of these flights; on the transfer to this partnership of state-owned vessels purchased during the war, and entrusting him with the content of steamships in the Peter the Great Bay; on the exclusion of the port of Suzan (Japan) from the points of...A note on the agreement concluded between the Chinese Government and the Russian-Chinese Bank on the construction and operation of the railway in Manzhuria
Witte, gr. Sergei Yulievich (1849-1915), Minister of Railways, Minister of Finance, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, Chairman of the Council of Ministers.
Note on the agreement concluded between the Chinese Government and the Russian-Chinese Bank on the construction and operation of the railway in Manzhuria.Historical overview of China Eastern Railway. 1896-1923 gg. [T. 1]
China Eastern Railway. Historical overview of China Eastern Railway. 1896-1923 Harbin: Printing Houses Kit. East. yellow. dor. and T-va "Ozo", 1923.
[T. 1]. 1923.On the disagreements that arose between Russia and China over the proposal of the Chinese government for the construction of the Jinzhou-Aigun railway. and the proposal of the Russian government for the construction of the Kalgan-Urga railway line, with t
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
About the disagreements that arose between Russia and China over the proposal of the Chinese government for the construction of the Jinzhou-Aigun railway. and the proposal of the Russian government for the construction of the Kalgan-Urga railway line, with the transfer of Russia to the construction of the main section before joining with the Trans-Baikal railwayOn the construction of the railway by the Chinese government from Beijing via Kalgan and Urgu to Kyakhta
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
About construction of the railway by the Chinese government from Beijing through Kalgan and Urgu to Kyakhta.Report of the commercial agent of the Chinese Eastern Railway A.P. Boloban on the survey in 1911 of the districts of the Hei-lun-jiang, Girin''sk and Mukden'sk provinces (Northern Manchuria), gravitating toward the Chinese Eastern Railway, in the agricult
Boloban, Andrei Pavlovich. Report of the commercial agent of the Chinese Eastern Railway A.P. Boloban on the survey in 1911 of the districts of the Hei-lun-jiang, Girin''sk and Mukden'sk provinces (Northern Manchuria), gravitating to the Chinese Eastern Railway, in the agricultural and baker relations. Harbin: edition of the Commercial part of the Whale. East. yellow. dor., 1912.On the question of the attitude of the Russian government towards the project of the Jinzhou-Aigun Railway. e.
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
On the issue of the attitude of the Russian government to the project of the Jinzhou-Aigun Railway. etc.North Manchuria and China Eastern Railway
Northern Manchuria and the Chinese Eastern Railway. Harbin: Printing house of the Chinese Eastern Railway, 1922.Objective necessity of development of transport communications in the east of Russia // Russia and China on the Far Eastern borders. Issue. 5
Elantseva, Olga Pavlovna Russia and China on the Far Eastern borders. Objective necessity of development of transport communications in the east of Russia.
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