About P. A. Kropotkin
About P. A. Kropotkin
- Biographies
Russian revolutionaries. Part 2. Karakozov. Nechaev. Zasulich. Kropotkin. Alekseev. Khalturin. Zhelyabov. Perovskaya. Morozov. Figner
Russian revolutionaries. Caracoz. Nechaev. Zasulich. Kropotkin. Alekseev. Khalturin. Zhelyabov. Perovskaya. Morozov. Figner. Leningrad: The All-Union Publishing House. the islands of political prisoners and exiles-settlers; Moscow, 1927.1927.Review M. Gorbunova "N. K. Lebedev. P. A. Kropotkin. Biographical library."(Moscow: Gosizdat., 1925) "
Schegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931), historian, editor of the Plegal magazine, managing the Petrograd historical and revolutionary archive.Review M. Gorbunova "N. K. Lebedev. P. A. Kropotkin. Biographical library."(Moscow: Gosizdat., 1925) ". - Recollections
Memoirs M. P. Leshern-Herzfeld."Memories" on the escape of P. A. Kropotkin from the conclusion, about the walking "into the people", about life in a political link in Siberia.Copy
Schegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931), historian, editor of the Plegal magazine, managing the Petrograd historical and revolutionary archive.Memoirs M. P. Leshern-Herzfeld."Memories" on the escape of P. A. Kropotkin from the conclusion, about the walking "into the people", about life in a political link in Siberia.Copy.Memories of I. Ginzburg "My last date with P. A. Kropotkin"
Schegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931), historian, editor of the Plegal magazine, managing the Petrograd historical and revolutionary archive.Memories of I. Ginzburg "My last date with P. A. Kropotkin". - Obituary
Necrologist E. Goldman "P. A. Kropotkin".English language
Schegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931), historian, editor of the Plegal magazine, managing the Petrograd historical and revolutionary archive.Necrologist E. Goldman "P. A. Kropotkin".English language. - Studies of political doctrine of P. A. Kropotkin
PA Kropotkin in the context of the history of Russian anarchism
Shchennikova, Olga Nikolaevna. PA Kropotkin in the context of the history of Russian anarchism. Barnaul, 2006.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахIdeas of PA. Kropotkin on the state and law
Lyashenko, Vera Viktorovna Ideas of PA. Kropotkin about the state and law. Moscow, 2008.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахAnarcho-reformism in the socio-political views of PA. Kropotkin
Saitanov, Sergey Vasilievich (candidate of historical sciences). Anarcho-reformism in the socio-political views of PA. Kropotkin. Ivanovo, 2012.Philosophy of Anarchic Communism P. A. Kropotkin
Cashier, Alexander Gennadevich (Doctor of Philosophy).Philosophy of Anarchic Communism P. A. Kropotkin.Yekaterinburg, 2012. - Archival materials
Newspaper cuts about court over P. A. Kropotkin and French anarchists and a subscription list to collect in their benefit
Tchaikovsky Nikolai Vasilyevich, a member of the revolutionary movement of the 1870s, the Creator of the Tchaiktsev Society, a member of the Socialist Revolutionaries Party, Head of the Supreme Department of the Northern Region, Head of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region, a member of the South Russian government under the general A. I. Denikin.Newspaper cuttings about the court over P. A. Kropotkin and French anarchists and a subscription list to collect in their favor. - Illustrations
Opening of the sailor's university. [Fourth from the right - AF Kerensky, second from the right - PA Kropotkin]
Opening of the sailor's university. [Fourth from the right - AF Kerensky, second from the right - PA Kropotkin].Participants in the State Meeting PN Milyukov and PA Kropotkin
Participants in the State Meeting PN Milyukov and PA Kropotkin. Moscow, August 1917.