Monument to S. Esenin in the Tauride Garden. 1995
Monument to S. Esenin in the Tauride Garden. 1995
Letter to the President of the charity fund named after Sergei Yesenin A. Tukish Albert Serafimovich Charkin with a request to produce several variants of sketches to create a monument to Sergei Yesenin
Tukish, Anatoly.the name of the charity fund of the President of the letter S. Esenina A. Tukish Albert Serafimovich Charkin with a request to produce several variants of sketches to create a monument to Sergei Yesenin.St. Petersburg, December 20, 1994.
From a private collection
Wreath to the poet // St. Petersburg bulletin. October 3
St. Petersburg State Sheets. Film Trefilov, Yuri. Wreath to the poet.
Из частного собрания
Meetings with Yesenin // October highway. October 14
The October highway. Film Soloukhina, M. Meet with Yesenin.
Из частного собрания
Скульпторы ссорятся, а у Есенина чуб трещит // Смена. 2005, № 10 (29 марта)
Рубцов, Никита. Скульпторы ссорятся, а у Есенина чуб трещит.
Рубцов, Никита. Скульпторы ссорятся, а у Есенина чуб трещит.
Из частного собрания