On the early termination of the powers of the Governor of the Murmansk region
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the early termination of the powers of the Governor of the Murmansk region. Moscow, 2009.
Report of the Assistant Governor-General of the Northern Region on the Management of the Murmansk District to the Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region
Nikolai Tchaikovsky, participant in the revolutionary movement of the 1870s, creator of the Tchaikovsky Society, member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, head of the Supreme Administration of the Northern Region, head of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region, member of the South Russian government under General AI Denikin.
Report of the Assistant Governor-General of the Northern Region on the management of the Murmansk District to the Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region.
Report of the Assistant Governor-General of the Northern Region on the management of the Murmansk District to the Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region.
Государственный архив Российской Федерации
Cross-border cooperation of subjects of the Russian Federation: institutes, processes and technologies of interaction
Shilovsky, Alexander Vasilievich (candidate of political sciences). Cross-border cooperation of subjects of the Russian Federation: institutes, processes and technologies of interaction. Nizhny Novgorod, 2008.