Penitentiary Institutions
Penitentiary Institutions
Materials on the construction of a prison for ex-convicts at the Turin copper mines of the Bogoslovskiy mountainous district and the organization of their work in mines
Valuev Petr Alexandrovich, Earl (1814-1890). Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of State Property, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, member of the State Council.
Materials about the construction of a prison for ex-convicts at the Turin copper mines of the Bogoslovsky mountainous district and the organization of their work in the mines.
Materials about the construction of a prison for ex-convicts at the Turin copper mines of the Bogoslovsky mountainous district and the organization of their work in the mines.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Записи архитектора Арнольда, действительного статского советника Писарева и неустановленных лиц; план Турьинского медного рудника; план, фасад и разрез тюремного здания (сканы 81-83)