Representations of the MoF on the permission to leave land plots in the pledge of the Noble Land Bank and on the release of funds for the construction of the Natural Museum in the city of Yekaterinburg
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).
Representations of the MoF about the permission to leave land plots of land in the pledge of the Noble Land Bank and on the release of funds for the construction of the Natural Museum in the city of Yekaterinburg.
Representations of the MoF about the permission to leave land plots of land in the pledge of the Noble Land Bank and on the release of funds for the construction of the Natural Museum in the city of Yekaterinburg.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
The first libraries of Yekaterinburg and the book collection of V.N. Tatishchev
Safronova, Alevtina Mikhailovna (Doctor of Historical Sciences). The first libraries of Yekaterinburg and the book collection of V.N. Tatishchev. Ekaterinburg, 2011.
To the 120th anniversary of Belinka
To the 120th anniversary of Belinka.Yekaterinburg, 2019.
Sverdlovsk OUNB
Soviet Crimea in photographs of Boris Ryabinin: photo exhibition of archival documents
The Soviet Crimea in the photographs of Boris Ryabinin: photo exhibition of archival documents.
- Way of Life
The everyday life of the population of the industrial center during the Great Patriotic War
Gontsova, Marina Vasilievna (candidate of historical sciences). The everyday life of the population of the industrial center during the Great Patriotic War. Ekaterinburg, 2011.Free time for the population of Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions: dynamics, structure, use
Ralkova, Oksana Vladimirovna (1986-). Free time of the population of Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions: dynamics, structure, use. Chelyabinsk, 2013.
Ryabinin Boris Stepanovich (1911-1990) – writer, screenwriter and journalist from the Urals, a member of the USSR Writers' Union. He lived and worked in the city of Sverdlovsk