Cartographic materials
Cartographic materials
- Maps of the XVIII century
Drawing of the land of the Yakutsk city //. The drawing book of Siberia, compiled by the son of Tobolsk boyar Semyon Remezov in 1701
Drawing of the land of the Yakut city.
Map of the Yakut region on the lower reaches of the river.Lena from Vitim to the mouth and Kamchatka, comp.P. Skobeltsin, I. Svistunov, D. Baskakov, V. Shetilov
Map of the Yakut region on the lower reaches of the river.Lena from Vitim to the mouth and Kamchatka, comp.P. Skobeltsin, I. Svistunov, D. Baskakov, V. Shetilov.Yakuttsky map.Kamchatka and R. Anadyr and Chukotka land, and North America
Yakuttsky map.Kamchatka and R. Anadyr and Chukotka land, and North America.Landantcart of part of the Yakut district from Yakutsk to Kamchatka m.
Landantcart of part of the Yakut district from Yakutsk to Kamchatka m.Drawing road from Yakutsk to Okhotsk prison
First sexes.XVIII century.;Kart.Op.554;63x39;Additional Agreement No. 1 of May 21, 2021 to the contract.No. 90-19 dated August 27, 2019 (Ban)Map r.Lena from Yakutsk to the mouth
Map r.Lena from Yakutsk to the mouth.Landantcart of Eastern Siberia from the prison of Vitim to Kamchatka, comp.P. Skobeltsin, I. Svistunov, D. Baskakov, V. Shetilov
Landantcart of Eastern Siberia from the prison of Vitim to Kamchatka, comp.P. Skobeltsin, I. Svistunov, D. Baskakov, V. Shetilov.Map r.Lena from Yakutsk to the mouth
Map r.Lena from Yakutsk to the mouth.Map r.Lena from Vitimsky prison to Yakutsk
Map r.Lena from the Vitim prison to Yakutsk.Maps of counties: Irkutsk, Aklansky, Barguzinsky, Verkhneudinsky, Doroninsky, Zhigansky, Zashiversky, Izhiginsky, Kirensk, Nerchinsk, Nizhneudinsky, Nizhnekamchatsky, Olekminsky, Olensky, Okhotsk, Stretensky, Yakut Irkutsk Gubernia
Collection: Maps of counties: Irkutsk, Aklan, Barguzin, Verkhneudin, Doroninskiy, Zhigansky, Zashiversky, Izhiginsky, Kirensk, Nerchinsk, Nizhneudinsky, Nizhnekamchatsky, Olekminsky, Olensky, Okhotsk, Stretensky, Yakut Irkutsk Gubernia < / b> - Maps of the XIX – early XX century
The map of the Irkutsk province, divided into 5 districts, the Yakut region and two seaside governments: Okhotsk and Kamchatka, without separation into districts
Maps, plans and drawings of the St. Petersburg Senate Archive (collection).The map of the Irkutsk province, divided into 5 districts, the Yakut region and two seaside administrations: Okhotsk and Kamchatka, without separation into districts.Map of Siberia, compiled from the following works: Travels of Captain Sarychev from 1785 to 1793 in northeastern Siberia, from Letters on Eastern Siberia Martos, published in 1827; from Travel in 1829 to Siberia Humbolt, published in 1837; Comments on Sib
Map of Siberia, compiled from the following works: Travels of Captain Sarychev from 1785 to 1793 in northeastern Siberia, from Letters on Eastern Siberia Martos, published in 1827; from Travel in 1829 to Siberia Humbolt, published in 1837; Comments on Siberia by Senator Karnilov, published in 1828; Descriptions of the Yenisei Provincial Senator Stepanova, published in 1835; Travel to Yakutsk in 1830 by Shchukin, published in 1833; Traveling on the northern shore of Siberia from 1820 to 1824 Lieutenant Wrangel, published in 1841; from a fragment about Siberia Gedenstrom,... - Plans
Plans of the cities: Barguzin, Verkhnevilyuysk, Verkhneudinsk, Doroninsk, Zhigansk, Zashiversk, Gizhiginsk, Irkutsk, Kirensk, Nerchinsk, Nizhnekamchatsk, Nizhneudinsk, Olekminsk, Okhotsk, Stretinsky, Tigil fortress, Yakutsk Irkutsk province
Maps, plans and drawings of the St. Petersburg Senate Archive (collection).
Plans of the cities: Barguzin, Verkhnevilyuysk, Verkhneudinsk, Doroninsk, Zhigansk, Zashiversk, Gizhiginsk, Irkutsk, Kirensk, Nerchinsk, Nizhnekamchatsk, Nizhneudinsk, Olekminsk, Okhotsk, Stretinsky, Tigil fortress, Yakutsk Irkutsk province.Plan of Yakutsk city of Irkutsk province
Maps, plans and drawings of the St. Petersburg Senate Archive (collection).
Plan of Yakutsk city of Irkutsk province.