
Topical exhibitions


The Presidential Library, together with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, has prepared an online projectThe President of the Russian Federation is a guarantor of human rights and freedoms” dedicated to presidential authority in our country and the activities of the head of state as a guarantor of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The electronic resource includes information from the digital collections of the Presidential Library “Institute of Presidency in Russia”, “Presidential Chronicle”, “Constitution - Basic Law”, as well as materials provided by the Institute of the Federal Ombudsman. Read more…


On April 5, 2024, the grand opening of the exhibition “People of Art – University Graduates” took place at the Presidential Library. The exhibition is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the foundation of the oldest university in Russia – St. Petersburg State University.

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Temporary thematic exhibitions


Temporary thematic expositions, shown in the exhibition halls of the Presidential Library, are devoted to the most significant anniversaries and topical issues in the history of Russian statehood. The partners of joint exhibitions are archives, museums, libraries, universities and cultural centers. Visiting temporary exhibitions is included in the program of sightseeing and thematic tours. Based on the results of the exhibitions, virtual tours, which are freely available on the institution's portal, are being prepared.


Please note that during the period of mass social, cultural and official events, access to the Presidential Library may be limited. Specialists of the excursion and methodological group will inform you in advance.

The Tours section features the regulations for registering for a tour of themed tours of the Presidential Library.


Virtual tours


Virtual tours of the Presidential Library



Virtual tours of the Presidential Library's exhibitions



Virtual tours of Russian museums



Online projects


Interactive and multimedia exhibitions created by the Presidential Library

Panel exhibitions


Publications and panel exhibitions created for showing in the outer institutions

Exhibitions archive


Information on the past exhibitions at the Presidential Library