The border in the Far East

The border in the Far East

The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of October 23, 1911 on the establishment of a border between Russia and China at the Manchuria Station of the Sino-East Railway

      Russia. Council of Ministers The case of the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of October 23, 1911 on the establishment of a border between Russia and China at the Manchuria Station of the Sino-East Railway.
ФГУ Российский Государственный Исторический Архив

... The Russian-Chinese question

  Kuropatkin, Alexey Nikolaevich (1848-1925).     The Russian-Chinese question.
St. Petersburg: type. A.V. Suvorina - "New time", 1913.

Какие делались предложения об изменении русско-китайской границы. Направление границы Хан-Тенгри – Владивосток (с. 178-196)

Materials for the military statistical survey of the Amur Military District and Manchuria G. Sh. [Gen. staff] of Colonel Nazarov

Nazarov, Alexander Egorovich (1848-). Materials for the military statistical survey of the Amur Military District and Manchuria G. Sh. [Gen. staff] of Colonel Nazarov. St. Petersburg: Military-Scientist. com. Heads. Staff, 1888.

Русско-китайские договоры о границе Амурской области (с. 10-20)
