Социальные науки в целом. Обществознание
Материалы по теме
Report on the activities of the Society for Assistance to Needy Students of the Suzdal Spiritual School .... ... for the year 1893-94
Suzdal Spiritual School. Society for Assistance to Needy Inmates
Report on the activities of the Society for Assistance to Needy Students of the Suzdal Spiritual School .... ... for the year 1893-94. [Suzdal]: Printed by VA Parkov, [1894-]. [1894]. |
Features of the formation of the labor potential of Siberia
Features of the formation of labor potential of Siberia. 2007. |
Features of mental representation of the image of a volunteer in the representations of student youth
Zvezdina, Ekaterina Yurievna (candidate of psychological sciences). Features of the mental representation of the image of the volunteer in the representations of student youth. Rostov-on-Don, 2017. |
Organization and activities of the godly establishments of the Voronezh province in the late XIX-early XX V.V.
Shchetinina, Natalya Mikhailovna.Organization and activities of the godly establishments of the Voronezh province in the end of the 19th and early XX V.V. Tambov, 2019.
On the provision in 2010 of state support for non-profit non-governmental organizations involved in the development of civil society institutions
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the provision in 2010 of state support for non-profit non-governmental organizations involved in the development of civil society institutions. Moscow, 2010. |
On the provision in 2009 of state support for non-profit non-governmental organizations involved in the development of civil society institutions
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the provision in 2009 of state support for non-profit non-governmental organizations involved in the development of civil society institutions. Moscow, 2009. |
On the provision in 2008 of state support for non-profit non-governmental organizations participating in the development of civil society institutions
Russian Federation. President (2004-2008, V.V. Putin). On the provision in 2008 of state support for non-profit non-governmental organizations involved in the development of civil society institutions. Moscow, 2008. |
On the creation of the Fund for Support of Children in Difficult Life Situation
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). On the creation of a fund to support children in difficult life situations. Moscow, 2008. |
About the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Disabled
Russian Federation. President (2008-; DA Medvedev). About the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Disabled. Moscow, 2008. |
On the Rabfaca for the National of the Soviet East at the Leningrad Eastern Institute
The Central Executive Committee of the USSR (CEC of the USSR).On the Rabfaca for the National of the Soviet East at the Leningrad Eastern Institute.