Общество и окружающая среда. Социальная экология
Материалы по теме
Language as a factor of the environmental consciousness of society
Khryapchenkova, Olga Sergeevna.Language as a factor of the environmental consciousness of society.Nizhny Novgorod, 2013.
Ecological and economic assessment of energy efficiency in Russia
Kiryushin, Pyotr Alekseevich (candidate of economic sciences). Ecological and economic assessment of energy efficiency in Russia. Moscow, 2012. |
Ecological and geomorphological analysis of the placement of the rural population in the Ryazan region
Ecological and geomorphological analysis of the placement of the rural population in the Ryazan region.2013.
Ecological and geographical foundations for assessing risk to the health of the population of old-mounted regions (for example, the Yaroslavl region)
Ecological and geographical foundations for assessing the risk of the health of the population of old-mounted regions (for example, the Yaroslavl region).2017.
The environmental consciousness of the population in the activities of local self-government (in old industrial cities of Urals example)
Oreshkin, Tatiana.The environmental consciousness of the population in local government activities (for example, old industrial cities of the Urals).Moscow 2013.
Ecological environment as a factor in the quality of life of the population
Zamaletdinova, Lilia Ravilevna
Ecological environment as a factor in the quality of life of the population. Kazan, 2011. |
Environmental imperative in ensuring the national security of modern Russian society
Environmental imperative in ensuring the national security of modern Russian society.2023.
Ecological vector of the world economy development
Piskulova, Natalya Arkadievna. Ecological vector of the world economy development. Moscow, 2011. |
Ecological movements as an institution of civil society in the regions of modern Russia
Shilimova, Rimma Rashitovna (candidate of political science). Ecological movements as an institution of civil society in the regions of modern Russia. Ufa, 2012. |
Ecological policy in modern Russia: state and development trends
Ermolov, Nikolai Georgievich (candidate of political sciences). Environmental policy in modern Russia: the state and development trends. Astrakhan, 2014. |