Общество и окружающая среда. Социальная экология
Материалы по теме
Management of innovation and investment activities in the formation and implementation of environmental projects
Management of innovative investment activities in the formation and implementation of environmental projects.2013.
Transformation of the environmental situation in the capital cities of post-Soviet countries
Koldobskaya, Natalia Andreevna (candidate of geographical sciences). Transformation of the ecological situation in the capital cities of post-Soviet countries. Moscow, 2016. |
The transformation of social consciousness in the post-Soviet Russian social and cultural space
Snores, Sergey.The transformation of social consciousness in the socio-cultural environment of post-Soviet Russia.Moscow, 2011.
Transformation of urban public spaces (socio-philosophical aspects)
Transformation of urban public spaces (socio-philosophical aspects).2020.
The structural transformation of the value orientations of youth in the modernizing Russian society (socio-philosophical aspect)
The structural transformation of the value orientations of youth in the modernizing Russian society (socio-philosophical aspect).2007.
Stimulation of sustainable ecological and economic development of the region
Yashalova, Natalia Nikolaevna (Doctor of Economics). Stimulation of sustainable ecological and economic development of the region. Moscow, 2015. |
The formation of an integrative model of ecological consciousness
Kostina, Irina Borisovna. Formation of the integrative model of ecological consciousness. Moscow, 2016. |
Sociocultural appearance of the provincial Russian merchants of the second half of the XVIII century. (based on the materials of the Commission of the Catherine II)
Sociocultural appearance of the provincial Russian merchants of the second half of the XVIII century. (based on the materials of the Commission of the Catherine II). 2016 |
Socio-cultural foundations of the global environmental crisis
Sobolevskaya, Julia V.
Socio-cultural foundations of the global environmental crisis. Rostov-on-Don, 2007. |
Sociocultural dynamics of informatization processes in modern society
Skrynnikov, Anton Yurievich. Sociocultural dynamics of informatization processes in modern society. Stavropol, 2016. |